part nine

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Wille wakes up completely naked, rooms a mess and Simon sitting on the opposite side on the bed, leaning on the side of the closet, staring blankly rethinking every thought

Simon eyes shot up to Wille, eyes widen "Hey" he whispered smiling slightly, caressing Willes cheek

"Hey" Wille whispers back "You awake for long?" He gets in a comfortable position

"Yea" Simon goes back to a position, legs pressed to his chest

A long and quiet silence gone on for a while with eye contacts and slight smiles

"So" Wille breaks the silence "My rooms a mess"

"Our, rooms a mess" Simon corrects him

"Right" Wille nods

"Do you remember anything from last night?" Simon mumbled


"Forget it"

"No what?" Wille repeats crawling towards Simon, making Simon underneath him, his hands between Simon waist and thighs

"Stop" Simon smirks looking away

"Stop what?" Wille tilt his head

Simon didn't answer, instead he was to busy focusing how close they were. Simon looks back to Willes eyes and kisses him

He pulls away from the kiss eyes widen taking a breath "I- I'm sorr- I- uhh we- uh-" Simon stutters

"It's okay" Wille smiles "We're okay, right?"

"Right" Simon exhales and Wille slowly leaning to another kiss

But as he does his phone on the floor rings, Wille groans sinking his head on Simon's chest, him in the middle of Simon's legs, Simon chuckles and stares at him for a while

"Your not going to pick that up?" Simon laughs

Wille stays at the same position for a while then tries to reach his phone which is in his pants pocket on the floor

"It's Felice, and it's a facetime" Wille flips his phone to make it face Simon

"I should, switch beds then?" Simon suggests

"No, stay here" Wille demanded laying on Simons back leaning on it. Wille looks over his shoulder too see Simon tilting his head, he smiles from the sight of it "Okay okay fine, go" Wille change position to lean on a wall

Simon grabs a shirt on the floor on the way walking to his bed while Wille picks up the call

"Hey!" Wille smiles

"Hey! Took you a while to answer" Felice says from the call

"Yeah, I was asleep"

"Of course you were"

"Okay, why'd you called?" Wille changes the subject, getting to a comfortable position

"Ah, just to see how your doing"

"Do you realize that you can just walk here and see it for yourself"

"I know, I'm too lazy, the party last night was too wild"

Wille chuckled

She groan tossing her head back "Hows Simon?" She bought her head back place

"Sleeping, or should I just say dead" Wille flips his phone to face on not sleeping Simon who is facing the wall behind

Felice chuckled, then pauses to scan Simon sleeping "Is he wearing your shirt?" Wille and Simon eyes widen in fear

"Uhh, you know, he's a stealer" Wille faked facing the phone back to him

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