Long Ride

285 7 24

Originally posted May 13th 2023

I walked down to the bus stop. I quickly realized it was way too cold for October. Freezing my dick off outside, I heard some footsteps behind me and immediately spun around. 

A greasy-headed brunette approached at a weary pace, examining me. He eventually got to the stop and tried to peer down at me without being obnoxiously obvious. "Hey..." he muttered, not even looking down. Guess he was trying to give off the 'badass teen who doesn't care.' look. You know, he pulled it off. 

"Hey..." I replied, just as monotonously as him. "So, you new?" he asked, stealing a swift glance. "Yep. Just moved into 402." I informed, shrugging my shoulders. "Nice, you believe in ghosts?" he asked simply as if it were a normal conversation. "Woah! That was quick!" I exclaimed. "I know. Just thought I'd bring it up. Kinda surprised you haven't seen anything yet." he admitted. 

"What do you mean? Are the apartments haunted?" I ask, now very intrigued. "I mean, yea? I guess so. I've seen some shit. Especially with what happened to poor Mrs. Sanderson..." he let out a long sigh, obviously waiting for me to say something. "What? Who's Mrs. Sanderson and what the hell are you on?" I asked. "Did you meet Charley yet? Once you do, you'll understand. Anyways, Mrs. Sanderson used to live in 403, before she got murdered, that is."


"Shh, keep it down! And yea, murder. Charley did it. I was in there fixin' her toilet and he burst in screamin' like a psycho. "I know what you did, bitch! Herman told me everything!" she tried to calm him down, but he was already slitting her throat. Then he left." the brunette admitted. 

"What the fuck... are you high?"

"I wish...This is some heavy shit, man."

"No shit..."

"Anyways, change of subject!" 

"Alright? I'm Sal, I just moved here from Jersey."

"Nice, name's Larry. My mom's the janitor here. She gets a room in the basement rent-free with the maintenance gig. You should come down sometime, we could hang out. "

"Sounds good. Would today work?"

"Yeah, sure."




"Bus is here!"

"No shit."

"Don't be an ass, sit with me." Larry offered. "Fine, dork." I agreed, sitting down after him. He looked out the window and sighed, leaving a foggy mark on the cold glass. He then proceeded to draw a penis. A light chuckle could be heard from the giant of a man, then he turned to me and smirked. 

More like a shit-eating grin if you ask me.

"Really?" I asked, giving a sarcastic eye roll. "Yep." he answered, shamelessly. "Dumbass." I retorted. Larry theatrically wiped his eyes. Through fake sobs, he muttered something. "That's...the nicest thing anyone's ever said to me!" he sobbed, burying his face in his hands and continuing to fake sob.

"Shut up." I exclaimed, punching his arm. "Ow, damnit." he retorted, grabbing where I punched him. "Pussy." I mocked. He smirked down at me, and we started rambling about stupid shit. Bands, school, favorite teachers, hardest subjects, crushes, video games, and more.

The bus stopped again, and Larry's demeanor immediately changed. "Fuck..." he whispered. "What?" I ask. "Travis." he answered, pointing at a blonde with tanned skin. He walked to where we were and sat directly parallel. "Larry, I didn't know you had a boyfriend!" the boy exclaimed. "Fuck off, Phelps." Larry responded, grabbing at his jeans and balling his fists. 

"Or what, faggot?" Travis asked, smirking wildly. "Or I'll break your fucking jaw..." Larry answered. When I tell you a shiver went down my spine, I meant it. "You said that last week." Travis retorted, shrugging his shoulders as if not even concerned with Larry's threat. "And you call me and my friends a slur every day, get some new material, church boy." Larry responded, anger stifling. "Well, it's true. You and your friends are a bunch of homos!" Travis exclaimed, clenching his fists. 

"Not all of us..." Larry muttered, giving me a glance considering he thought I was a twink. Which I am.

"All of you? So, some of you are fags? Gross." Travis jeered, stifling a laugh as he scoffed. "No, they aren't fags, Travis. They're people with names and lives. Now, shut the hell up you pussy." Larry threatened. "Fine, fine. Sorry that I offended you. I'll leave you be so you and your freaky ass boyfriend can eye-fuck some more." Travis retorted, attempting to sound serious. "First off, not my boyfriend, I'm straight. Second, didn't you kiss a boy? I think I remember-" 

Larry was quickly cut off by Travis' words. "No! I didn't!" Travis exclaimed, drawing more attention from the other kids on the bus. "Just, shut up, Phelps." Larry exasperatedly said. "Whatever, queer..." Travis muttered, turning back to the window and looking out. 

Larry had been looking out the window when I tugged on his sleeve so I could grab his attention. "What the fuck was that about?" I asked. "Nothing. He just likes to pick fights n' shit. I put him in his place when he tries me." Larry answered. "Badass." I mocked. "Hey," Larry murmured. "Yea?" I answered. "Let me know if he fucks with you. You're an ass but I won't let you get bullied." He said, a small chuckle coming after

"Says the one who draws dicks." I teased, punching his arm. "Yeah, whatever. You're just lame!" he mocked. I rolled the eye I could and laid my head on the back of the seat. I felt Larry stand up and so I did too. "We're here!" Larry sung. "Yeah, Hell." I finished. "It's not all bad, except Travis, he's a little piss baby." Larry mocked, making sure Travis could hear. "I am not a piss baby!" Travis yelled. "Whatever..." Larry said, "Piss baby..."

I chuckled but my mask muffled it. "Alright, I'll show you to the office and classes and all that." 

"What are you? My dad?"

"Nah, but I am used to being called Daddy."

"Gross, dude."

"Whatever, dork."

"I hate you."

"You know you don't!"

"Is it too late to back out of this friendship?"



He walked me to the front office, and I grabbed my schedule from the woman sitting at her desk. "Thanks, Mrs!" I called out. 

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