Life of the Party

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(Sorry, I made Philip the pervert in this. If you don't know who that is just look him up. He has blue hair like Sal's)

As we entered the house, the smell of drugs, booze, and sweat filled my nose. "Ew..." I muttered, scrunching my eyes at the stench. "Hey, guys!" Neil yelled, walking up to us with a red solo cup. "Hey, Neil. Hey, Todd." Larry said, pulling both of them into a hug. 

"You brought Travis?" Neil asked, his once friendly and welcoming demeanor changing into concern and slight shock. "No, I did." I chimed in, grabbing Travis' shoulders and pulling him into a hug. "Oh, alright. No slurs and shit." Neil said, shrugging his shoulders and walking off with Todd trailing behind. 

"You guys want something to drink?" Larry asked. "I don't drink." I said, waving my hands to signify I was fine. "Uhm...sure! Why not!?" Travis said, smiling wildly. "Gotcha!" Larry said, sprinting off into the crowd. 

Travis and I talked for a minute before Larry returned with two solo cups. "Here ya go!" Larry exclaimed, handing one of the cups to Travis. "Thanks." Travis muttered, smelling the drink that was just barely filling half the cup. 

While Larry downed his with ease, Travis took large sips but often recoiled after. Once Travis finished his drink, he tried to take a step toward me but stumbled and fell into my arms. "Calm down, Trav." I joked, holding him so he could steady himself. "I wanna-" he started but was immediately cut off by his own giggles and hiccups.

"You need to sit down." I said, looking around for Larry, Neil, or Todd. Once I spotted Neil, I called him over and asked where the nearest bedroom was. 

"Neil! Neil! Over here!"

"Yea, Sal?"

"Where's the nearest bedroom? Travis is drunk and can't exactly function."

"Ha, that's hilarious. Never thought I'd see the day."

"Me neither."

"Anyways, the nearest one is just up there. No sex!" he joked, pointing to a room at the top of the stairs. I felt my face get warmer as I thought about his words. "Promise..." I said. Guiding Travis slowly up the steps one by one, hoping he wouldn't fall. We got to the room and he fell into the bed. 

I closed the door behind me and walked to where he was. "Sally, I want another drink!" he whined through hiccups. "Are you sure? You're fucking drunk already." I asked. "Yup!" he said, a hiccup following after. "Alright, I'll be right back." I said. 

I walked to the door and left. Running to the kitchen and grabbing a solo cup. I poured some vodka into the cup, nearly filling it. I swiftly walked back to the room with Travis and tried to open the door. It was locked. I knew that Travis hadn't done it himself because he couldn't even walk by himself.

"Trav! Open the door!" I yelled, knocking profusely. "Get-" he yelled. "Help!" a boy's voice yelled. "Sal!" Travis yelled. I sat the cup down, fearing that what I thought was going on in the room was really going on. I stepped back and rammed into the door, shifting it.

I saw fucking red as I heard Travis sobbing on the other side and another boy's voice yelling at him to shut up. I rammed into the door again, this time it busted open, and I saw the sad scene in front of me.

Travis was pinned down on the bed underneath a much larger boy with darker blue hair than I. He was wearing a red-striped shirt and black sweats. I said nothing, instead, I ran at him with full force. He looked like a deer in headlights as I barreled toward him. He fell to the floor with my straddling his waist.

I let my anger get the better of me as I blew punch after punch to his fucking face. He was bleeding and my knuckles were sore. The pain from ramming into the door was settling in but I couldn't stop. I watched as his nose bled and he cried out for me to stop and that it was not what it seems. "Shut up you fucking pervert!" I screamed, taking my fists and slamming them into his chest. He clawed at my arms and neck.

Eventually, he latched his grubby little fucking hands onto my mask and ripped it off over my head. My mask was thrown across the room, close to Travis who had his back against the wall, shaking and crying. 

I only stopped once somebody pulled me off of him. "Sal, what the fuck?!" Larry screamed, throwing me onto the bed effortlessly. "He fucking assaulted Travis!"  I screamed, tears pouring out from my eyes. I felt eyes all over me. It hadn't struck me before, but I no longer had my mask on, and it had been strewn somewhere in the room. 

"He did...?" Ash asked, stepping forward. "Obviously he fucking did! Look at him," I yelled, pointing to Travis. "he's shaking and fucking sobbing! Somebody get him out of here before I lose my shit on all of you!" I screamed, sounding oddly similar to a Banshee. "He...he did this to me too...I fought him off, but some people can't..." Ash admitted. 

Gasps and whispers emanated from the crowd formed outside the door. "Travis...come here..." Ash said, arms open and a genuine smile spread across her face. Travis crawled off the bed and stumbled over to Ashley. She pulled him into a hug, and he returned the favor. 

Larry was staring down at the blue-haired adolescent, rage, and contempt surging through his body. He bent down and grabbed the collar of the smaller teen's shirt, lifting him without struggle. "I ought to break your jaw right know that? Do you want that? Or do you want me to just fucking kill you?" Larry asked, voice quiet and laced with poison. 

The teen shook his head, fear filling his eyes as Larry stared at him. "Then I'll give you a fucking minute to be out of this damn house..." he muttered, dropping the boy to the floor. He groaned in pain and Larry smirked sadistically. 

Then, he started counting down. "60...59...58..." he said, watching as the boy writhed around, scrambling to get to his feet and out the bedroom door. He practically flew down the steps and out of the house, jumping into his car and trying to drive away. 

As he attempted to get the car to start, Maple walked into the room with the biggest grin on her face. "Yea, he's not going anywhere." she said, trying to stifle a laugh. "What'd you do?" Ash asked, already knowing it was some crazy ass shit. She snorted out a laugh and pulled a knife out of her pocket. "Slashed his tires." she answered, putting the knife back in her pocket. 

"Crazy ass." Larry said, jokingly rolling his eyes. Chug walked into the room, dizzily smiling. "Someone's in love..." Larry joked, bending down to my level. "No duh, we should set them up." I suggested, nudging his side. "Great idea, Sal." Larry complimented, smirking as we agreed on being cupid. "We'll worry about that later. Right now, Travis needs me."

I walked over to the shaking boy, huddled to himself by the wall. "Hey, Travis." I said, taking a seat next to him. "Hey..." he muttered, not even meeting my gaze. "You wanna go home?" I ask, slinging my arm around his shoulder and pulling him closer. He lay his head on my shoulder and sighed deeply. "Sal..." he whispered. 

"I wish you wouldn't have saved me..."

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