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Once she let go, I stood at my full height and looked at her. She was about four inches taller than Sal. So, around my height. She kept a straight and serious face throughout our entire interaction. I nearly lost my shit and started sobbing again. I couldn't let her see me do that again. 

"Travis, you have to sort this one out by yourself. You can come back tomorrow." She said, flicking the ash off her cigarette into a black resin ashtray. "Okay..." I muttered, rolling down my sleeves and holding my hands. "Goodbye..." she said, walking me to the door. "What?" I said. "See you later..." she corrected. 

"See you later..." I replied walking back down to the elevator and using the keycard Sal gave me to get back down. Once it stopped, I got out and walked back into Larry's apartment. A woman was on the couch and watching TV with another man. He had the same-colored hair as Sal, eyes too. The woman was a spitting image of Larry. Guess this was their parents?

"Who are you?" the woman asked, moving closer to the blue-haired man. "I'm Travis, Sal and Larry's friend. I was just here, I left to go on a walk." I said. "Oh, they're in the treehouse." the man said, putting his arm around the brunette. "Where?" I ask, not having any previous knowledge of the so-called 'treehouse'. 

"Just leave through the door in the back of Lar's room. You'll see it." she said. "Oh, ok..." I said, walking towards Larry's room. "Oh, honey, I'm Lisa, by the way. This is Henry." Lisa said, giving me a warm smile. "Oh, ok. Well, thank you. See you around." I said, waving goodbye as I entered his room and closed the door. 

I walked to the door I hadn't noticed before and gently pushed it open. The cold air hit my face as I exited the complex. I looked up and saw a tall oak with a wooden house settled in its branches at the very top.  

There were a few dozen steps leading to the top, I climbed each one slowly, scared I was going to fall and bust my head open. I reached the top and heard some voices. Sal and Larry's voices, to be specific. It was odd. Usually, Sal's voice was muffled and quiet. This time, it was clear and louder. I listened before actually letting my presence be known.

"Larry, I feel bad."

"Why? He's a dick."

"Because! There has to be a reason."

"No, there doesn't. Some people are just assholes."

"Well, Travis doesn't seem like that type. I just...maybe he has a bad home life, y'know? Something..."

"Maybe, I dunno. I don't really care, to be honest."

"So you've said."

"And I'll say it again."

"Please, don't..."


"But seriously, I just want to be friends with him."

"Sal, you can't befriend everyone. You know that, right?"

"Yea, I know."

"Then why do you keep trying?"

"I just...there's something about him...he's so...mysterious? I don't know how to word it."

"Whatever, man. Maybe he'll warm up to you, doubt it, though."

"I hope so...I really do..."

I decided it was time to enter, since they had gone silent. I climbed up and looked right in front of me. My heart sank and I felt my face get hot as ever. Sal didn't have his mask on. His nose was barely existent, his lips were scarred, and little white lines and big ones too, covered his face. I could see some of his teeth from a hole in his cheek. His baby-blue eyes widened when he saw me looking. 

"Travis! Look away! Now!" he screamed, scrambling over to his mask that was laying on the floor. I adverted my eyes and tried my best to stifle a smile. I heard the sound of buckling and waited until I was told to look back up. "Alright..." Sal muttered. I looked back up and he was huddled up to himself. "Sorry...I'm sorry you had to see that..." he said, closing his eyes and putting his head to his knees. "It's..." I started, but stopped quickly, not being able to find my words. 

Quiet sobs came from the blue-haired boy as the greasy one stared at me with contempt and loathing. "What?" I aggressively ask, directing my attention to Larry. "I ought to push you down right now. That's up to Sal, though." he answered, glancing at the sobbing boy. "No! Stop it, both of you!" he yelled, through sobs and hiccups. "I didn't do anything!" Larry yelled back. "You're an ass to him! We just talked about this!" Sal yelled. "Sorry, me and him issues!" Larry said, leaning into his beanbag chair a little more. 

Sal stopped yelling and stopped crying too. He stood up and walked over to me. "Move." he demanded. "Or I'll fucking make you." he threatened. I did as he said and stepped to the side, allowing him access to the exit. He climbed down quickly, not even looking back up or uttering a word. 

"The fuck was that all about?" Larry asked. I just shrugged my shoulders in response, having absolutely no clue what the hell to say or do. "I'll bet he's going back to his room. Let's go back to mine, we can check on him in a few." Larry said, getting up and waking to the exit. "Okay?" I said, surprised at his sudden kindness. Maybe he was just being nice because Sal wanted him to. 

When we got back into his room, he sat down on a stool near an easel and pulled out some art supplies. "You paint or anythin'?" Larry asked, putting his hair into a messy bun and an apron over his clothes. "Sometimes..." I answered, plopping down on the floor. 

"Cool, wanna paint, then?" he asked, holding out a paintbrush. "Um, sure..." I said, walking over and grabbing a small canvas from his drawer. "What are gonna paint?" He asked, putting the tip of his brush in a beautiful shade of blue. It reminded me of Sal.

He has ruined it for me.

He ruined the color blue for me. 

Now every time there's a cloudless sky, crystal blue water, a sapphire stone, a morning glory flower, summer azure butterflies, and even the sweetest candy.

All of it, ruined for me. He's always in my mind. I can't get him out...

I wish I could. 

It's too big a burden to bear. 

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