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Today was 14 days before Christmas. A few months ago, Travis and I started dating. We had our first kiss and first time together. I couldn't see myself with anyone else in the world. 

Amazingly, our school didn't offer any breaks for Christmas. They said it was because a holiday didn't require time off. It did when you go to Nockfell High...

I had already gotten, Travis, Neil, Larry, Ash, Maple, Chug, Todd, and everybody else their gifts. I got Travis a matching necklace that I and him were going to wear, along with rings that matched too. I got Neil a new coffee mug. Larry got some new drumsticks and art stuff; Mainly acrylics and canvas'. Ash got more art stuff and a sketchbook. Maple got a new switchblade. Chug got an assortment of chocolates. Todd got a new book about the theory of the space-time continuum and some writing stuff.

I was sitting in my living room, wrapping the gifts when a knock at the door caught my attention. I ran over and barely opened it. Travis was standing in my doorway with another man behind him. His eyes were fearful and pleading. "Hey, Travis." I greeted. "Give me a second, I'm wrapping presents and you can't see yours." I informed, gently closing the door and completely flipping out. 

I ran to my father's room and opened the door. "Dad! Travis' father is here and he wants in! What do I do? He's homophobic! I-" 

"Calm down, Sal. I'll get it and I won't say anything about you two."


My father gave me a reassuring smile and walked to the front door. He opened it and let them in. The two men stepped inside and the taller one looked around before beginning to speak. "My son has informed me that you and he are very close." he stated, voice deep and raspy; he had likely been yelling prior. "Yes, Mr. Phelps. Travis and I have grown very close since I moved here." I informed, adjusting my mask. 


"So, is there any problem with him and me?"


"Well, let's sort that out, then!"

"You're not a faggot, are you?"

"I- no...I'm not. They are the epitome of the devil."



"Then, tell me, Mr. Fisher. Why have you corrupted my son's soul? You've turned him into a faggot. A sinner..."

"I didn't-"

"Silence. You and Travis are to have no further interactions. If that isn't clear, I can make it."


"Since you want to lie, let me read through his journal. "Today I walked past Sal. His pigtails bounced and swayed when he walked. I like how his hair looks today. It looks good every day, though. 

I miss his touch. The other night was amazing. I love him. He saw me and walked over. Looping his arms around my waist, I was pulled into a warm hug. He told me he loved me and I told him I loved him back. 

We walked to our classes and then ate lunch together as well. He kept his hand on my thigh while we ate. I'm so glad we sit near the wall so nobody can see.

So perfect and pretty, yet he loves me out of everyone else. Wow..."

"Travis, you wrote that?"

"He did."


My words were cut off by the man leaving and grabbing Travis by his wrists and dragging him along. Before the door shut, Travis turned to face me and mouthed the words, "I love you" before being dragged away.

My heart sped up and I soon could no longer breathe. "Sal, what happened?" My father asked, re-entering the room. "I can't-" my words slurred. "Travis and I can't see each other..." I choked out, coughing and sobbing. "Sal, I'm so sorry. I really am..." my father muttered, rubbing my back. 

*Time Skip*

I was now lying in my bed, flat on my back with my arms at my sides. I was no longer crying. Now, nothing would come out. The worst part had to be the fact that I had to see him tomorrow at school. 

I was lying with my thoughts until something brilliant struck me. He's close with Ms. Gibson. I'd go talk to her. 

I threw on my mask and a different shirt. "Dad! I'll be right back!" I yelled, dashing out of the door and down to the first level. The elevator ride felt so much longer than it should have. Once it stopped and the doors opened enough for me to slip out, I did and ran to Ms. Gibson's room. 

I aggressively knocked on the door until it opened. "What?" she spat, glaring at me with contempt. "Travis." I choked out. Her eyes went wide, and she let me in. "What? Did something happen?" she interrogated. "His father...made him stop seeing me. He found his journal and when his dad brought him over...he had more bruises and scars than I do." 

"Are you fucking serious?!" 


She smiled sadistically before disappearing into her room. 

She returned a second later, wielding a shotgun...

Travis' POV:

He grabbed my wrist and dragged me away from Sal. I turned away and told him I loved him, even if it were to be the last thing I ever said to him. 

His eyes hurt so fucking bad. Those baby-blue pools just staring at me...

I wanted to just break away and kiss him, so bad. I just want to touch him again. Even hearing his laugh would suffice. Or seeing him smile at me when we were playing games or joking. To watch how his hair moved when he ran to me from across the school hallway. Or even his smell...That vanilla and coffee scent.

I felt tears rising to my eyes as we drove away. I saw him watching out of his window as we parted farther and farther from the apartments. "You are a sinner." my father declared, monotone. 


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