a new world and a new host/friend

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Soundwave wakes up from whatever happened

Soundwave:strange place so why am I not one with the allspark

Soundwave looks around and saw a screen and that screen is n screen Soundwave attempt to talk with n

Soundwave:hello can you hear me

N:where is that voice coming from? Meh I'll ignore it

Soundwave:you waste of metal pay attention I'm stuck in your head

N:oh hi who are you and why are you in my head?

Soundwave:my body was destroyed my name is Soundwave and where are we? seems like a waste land and human skeletons oh look a small robot

N eyes turn into a x quickly flying towards the worker drone the worker was scared and panicked while n proceeds to kill the drone when Soundwave quickly stopped n

N:what are you doing I was about to finish this waste of scrap

Soundwave:I saw this before and I don't want to see this again

Tentacles came out from n chest and zap himself making n to pass out when n woke up and seeing v and j standing there

J:wake up idiot you left that drone alive and what was that came out of your chest? were you hiding this the whole time what else you are not telling us

V:come on j let's see what n was hiding

Both of them looked at n and saw lazer beak on n chest and armor like plates on arms and legs

Both:those weren't there before where did you get them?


J looking at n pissed off even tho he didn't say it

J:excuse me what did you say to me!?

N eyes and colors turn purple and a decepticon logo appears on n left eye

N/Soundwave:excuse me for my language my dear~

Soundwave accidentally flirted with j and it works j end up blushing hard bright yellow like a banana v disrupts with the talk and n took control back

V:N what was that for you made j blush even tho she really heartless I thought you liked me

N:say what now I made j blush and you said what?


V almost getting caught by n and j flew away in embarrassment

J:damn that idiot why did he do that to me I mean what the fuck and why did his color change and what is that logo on his eye

N:what was that about Soundwave

Soundwave:sorry just wanted a bit of fun and I didn't expect to flirt with her

N:that's my boss/leader

V:who are you talking to?

Soundwave:don't tell her

N:no one

V flew away leaving n behind v looking a little annoyed when n/Soundwave flirted with j

Soundwave:alright let's wear something different like a suit(prom n)

N:alright hmm like this

N wears a suit with armor sticking out

N:what do I look like


Soundwave takes over n body and go see what j is up to

N/Soundwave:so what have you been up to j seem you're annoyed

J still blushing for a bit and actually holds n/Soundwave hand n/Soundwave looking confused

N/Soundwave:what was that for

J:is just I kinda god I hate to admit it but I kinda liked what you said to me

N/Soundwave:that's what I'm here for to be loyal to you

J:why you wearing a suit is it just for a new look or something else

N/Soundwave:just for a new look
(Fight in coming)

Soundwave pats j cause j to blush and than she hugs him oddly j made a heart with her tail which she likes n but actually she likes Soundwave V looking from behind looking at j really pissed off pulls out her two blade starting to charge at j quickly both j and Soundwave dodge j pulls out her blade

J:what's wrong with you v why are you attacking me!?

V:you took away N from me!

J:wait what you liked n


She charges at j but j quickly dodge it and slashes at v she leaked oil from the wound but regenerate the wound their battle continued Soundwave uses his tentacles to grab them both

N/Soundwave:alright both of you cut it out


N regains his control

V:N is mine so get away from him

J:you like him doesn't mean that you own him

N:Soundwave why just why did you make j to like me and found out that v likes me

Soundwave:sorry not sorry

N:alright I'm off to rest so please keep it down

Both:ok fine

N was sleeping and j and v attempted to sleep with him
But lazer beak deploys and guards n both of them went annoyed

Note:this story was inspired by of logic and drones please check out his story and support him
The following ships are n/Soundwave x j n x v
Shockwave and Soundblaster are coming as well

Soundwave superior worker drones inferiorWhere stories live. Discover now