a familiar face

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Soundblaster spark was transfer to a different body he wakes up from whatever happened he looks to be in thad room he doesn't care what he's about to face either a autobot or decepticon or someone he knew as a brother he did some crime in the base he doesn't know what we're these small robots doing here looks down on his hands to be thad hands

Soundblaster:so this body was I transferred into this luckily I didn't get caught

N comes to were thad/Soundblaster was Soundblaster feels a spark similar to his counter part brother as well as Soundwave

N/Soundwave:we meet again.....brother

Thad/Soundblaster:ha the same as usual except that you talk Affton since when you found out from the shadow zone megatron abandoned the decepticons and you're no longer loyal to him

N/Soundwave:should we catch up since we didn't get to spend time each other back in the days of cybertron

Thad/Soundblaster:indeed should we do crime together brother

Soundwave agreed and stolen stuff and Soundblaster murders other worker drones

Random worker drone:thad why are you doing this!?

Thad/Soundblaster:for fun

Soundblaster killed him but was confused this body is named thad he went to thads room and thad regains control of his body

Thad:what happened why is there oil on my hands these weird plates on my arms and legs what is this on my chest know what I'm going to sleep

He went to sleep not knowing Soundblaster spark was in his body and needed a different fuel for these abilities to work for Soundblaster he was glad to meet Soundwave again since they were apart from each other as well as Soundwave

N:who was that Soundwave?

Soundwave:my brother Soundblaster we were brothers doing stuff before the events happened we kinda criminals to be the least the good old times I'm happy that he's alive and who was that drone

N:you mean thad oh he's chill does Soundblaster have the same abilities you do?

Soundwave:yes now let us rest now we might have a special night with two female drones if you catch my drift

N:oh its j and v don't you

Soundwave:I'll take j and you take v wish each other luck

Note:in this universe Soundwave and Soundblaster are related and Soundblaster host is thad I can't decide which drone is proper for a host for Shockwave so tell me which character is for Shockwave who knows if n and Soundwave are gonna have a lemon with j and v

Soundwave superior worker drones inferiorWhere stories live. Discover now