the prom(last chapter of season one)

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Uzi was going to tell the other's about prom when she got there lazer beak was waiting there


N:very rude Uzi that's my pet

Soundwave:hey that's my minicon not a pet plus it's mine

Uzi:anyways it's prom night wanna go


Soundwave:what is this prom you speak of?

N:Soundwave telled me what is this prom you speak of

Uzi:it's some kind of party where you wear something but you got your suit so that would due

N:what about V and J are they coming?

Uzi:V is coming unfortunately J can't come because she pregnant

N:yay and aw man

Lazer beak comes back and attached to N's chest again N runs towards to V and J

N:V! You can come to prom but J you have to stay here because you're pregnant also V you need to wear something

V:alright see ya later J

J:alright fine don't you dare try something

V:not keeping that promise

J growls at V and V laughs at her angering J more

N:alright break it up you two

V and J:fine

J:bye sweetie hope you're back fine

N:bye j

Meanwhile for thad and Soundblaster

Thad:hmm this should due for now from theses some sort of amor plates

Soundblaster: what are you preparing for?

Thad:who are you!?

Soundblaster:I'm your new partner and my name is Soundblaster brother of Soundwave

Thad:well Soundblaster I'm preparing for prom

Soundblaster:what is this prom you speak of?

Thad:some sort of party humans do on schools so yea plus I'm taking doll as my dance partner

Soundblaster:careful she has some kind of power that you haven't been aware of

Thad:which is?

Soundblaster:a symbol appears if she uses it can clone stuff and overload people such as yourself luckily her powers were corrupted by dark enegon

Thad:what's dark energon?

Soundblaster:a powerful martial that raises the undead known as terrorcons dangerous for destroying any artificial life and organic life and can weaken anyone if come and contact with

Thad:alright gonna warn myself from doll and this dark energon

Doll waken from thad's bed confused for what happened her powers are no longer corrupted turns to look at thad almost wanting to kill Thad but realize Thad can easily beat her

Doll:*in Russian*what am I doing here Thad

Thad:oh you're awake got your dress for you and I'll tell you who's with me

Soundblaster:don't you dare to tell her of my existence

Thad:you're with me on prom

Thad's mind:why can't I tell her about you

Soundblaster:when the moment is right then tell you who I am

Doll blushed a little bit people never asked her to prom before

Doll:you r-really want me to go with you?

Thad:of course

Soundblaster:good luck out there Thad

Everybody gets dressed and ready for prom when they get their the party is on till this happened


Doll has something against V

Thad:what's wrong Doll?

N:wow so this is prom

Soundwave:interesting isn't it brother

Soundblaster:why yes indeed

V:wooo more worker drones to kill- I mean dance with N

Tentacles comes out from N's chest to show a warning to V and she understood the warning doll almost preparing to attack V but quickly stopped by Thad as everyone having a good time but a loud explosion from the roof came and A and E comes out

A:everyone tonight is your death come on E let's finish them off

Both of them flew to the nearest worker drone and killing them N,Soundwave,thad,Soundblaster,V,uzi and doll realize that preparing to engage with them

A:oh it's you N,V and that pathetic worker drones E handle the worker drones while I handle with N  and V

E:yes boss

E Flys towards uzi,thad and doll but sees Thad with a mercenary symbol appears absolute solver symbol appears on doll

E:uh oh I may have a problem A

A:what is it

E:two worker drones have symbols on them gah-

E gets hit by tables and then Soundblaster's tentacles

Thad/Soundblaster:you mess with the wrong house fool(get it)

Doll:we must destroy this abomination
(Boss music for the fight)

Doll didn't realize that Thad has the spark of Soundblaster and as well for N having Soundwave's spark

Doll:where did you get those abilities from?

Thad/Soundblaster:when the time is right we'll tell you

Meanwhile with N and V fighting A

A:this time I won't lose again!

N/Soundwave:are you sure about that you'll lose to me every single time

V slashes at A causing A to leaking oil from the wound N/Soundwave looking at Uzi

N/Soundwave:Uzi jump on my tentacles and stab A

Uzi:already ahead of you

Uzi grabs a knife and jumps on Soundwave's tentacles and stabs A on that thing murder drones have on their head A screaming from pain and smacks down by V

E:A! I'll help you

She attempted to fly towards A but stopped by the absolute solver and tentacles E got captured by doll and thad/Soundblaster Uzi gets her railgun and pointed at A

Uzi:one more buzz word and I'll do it

A:oh sh-

A gets blasted beyond repair from the core E crys over the death of her friend the remaining worker drones comes out and doll happy to see the murder drone killed she no longer against V Thad taking control sees the death of A

All:sorry everyone for them ruining the prom

After the prom they went to their respective places and rested N telling J what happened at prom Thad putting doll to rest but something happened a space pod lands and comes out to be X,M,S(X female M and S are male M is a titan)and tessa

Note:I finished season one and I'm going to work on a different story called shattered drones only transformers fans knows what shattered means Q&A still ready for more questions

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