S2:the infection

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Lizzy walking looking for something to drink till she walks to a room with tons of energon and that room contains normal,red,dark,synthetic,light energon Lizzy mistaken that it was juice

Lizzy:hmm I want green apple(synthetic energon) and grape(dark energon)

She drinks them both and she didn't realize that both of them create a dangerous mutation
(Little music for the rest of the story)

Lizzy go's to her room after three hours later she wakes up craving for something

Lizzy:I feel....thirsty

She left her room attempting to lure a worker drone and drain the oil when she hears foot steps from another worker drone she calls out

Lizzy:oh hey little dude whats up...
Random worker drone:oh just going back to my room why?
Lizzy:I just going to ask to come here
Random worker drone:okey

The worker drone go's near to lizzy only ending up with Lizzy grabbing him with force and her jaws separated and the drainer comes out

Random worker drone:AAAAA*powers down*

Lizzy draining the oil from him she then drops the body

Lizzy:mmm tasty oil I should go try some more

Lizzy left the body and doll and uzi were walking

Uzi:I know your parents died from V but can't you move on
Doll:no I can't
Uzi:you'll become a parent yourself
Doll:I know but ugh I just wanted revenge but at this state I can't-oh robo Jesus
Uzi:wha-oh god

They saw the body and walked closer to him

Uzi:he's gone full drain of oil
Doll:it's V
Uzi:no can't be her she usually tears apart worker drones
Doll:why do you make a good point

The body starts to stand on its own and growls grabbing the attention of doll and uzi

Doll:what the

Random worker drone(terrorcon):oil....

His jaws start to separate and the drainer comes out of him

Uzi:what the hell is going on with him!?
Doll:I don't know but I think I can deal with it

Doll uses her absolute solver ability to pull a heavy object and drops it on the terrorcon killing it

Uzi:well that was unexpected but what made this
Doll:no idea but tell N and thad
Uzi:good idea

Doll and uzi walking stumble across with four worker drones

Doll:oh hey guys haven't you seen anything weird?

Rebecca(terrorcon) and dude with his green helmet on fire(terrorcon):oil....
Random worker drones(terrorcons):oil....

Their mouths separate and their drainer comes out growls at doll and uzi

Uzi:uh I think we should run!
Doll:nah we can just teloport

They teloport right in front of N and thad

N:what happened?
Thad:what's wrong?
Uzi and doll:thank God you're not infected
N and thad:infected?
Soundwave:infected? What does she-oh no dark and synthetic energon combined the energon sucking terrorcon or simply in your chase oil
N:where are the others?
Uzi:I don't know

Growls coming from behind them and N and thad looked behind to see a worker drone terrorcon

Worker drone(terrorcon):oil!
N:what are you doing? stand down

The worker drone runs to them but ending up blasted by thad/Soundblaster killing it

Thad/Soundblaster:I think we need to kill the first infected who made this problem

A space bridge opens to lizzy location and all of them went through

Lizzy(terrorcon):oh doll could you come here
Thad:no she can't you monster
Doll:you can't kill lizzy the-there has to be another way right?

All of them closed their eyes from shame because they should've stopped this before it happened and N/Soundwave and thad/Soundblaster blasts at lizzy

Doll:lizzy NOO!
Thad:I'm sorry doll there was no choice

Doll hugs thad and crys

N takes off and kills all the terrorcons in the base and closes the energon room he left lizzy head outside

N:thad how's Doll?
Thad:she's fine in our room it's hard for her friend to become an oil drinking vampire or undead

Uzi near by hears them talking about the incident

Uzi:what are they talking about? They are definitely hiding something from us but I need to know why

Meanwhile at the outside

Tessa:a worker drone head we need to recruit more
X:how do we do that?
Tessa:by modify the dead worker drones who deem worthy to work for jcjeson gather the spare murder drone parts we may need it for rebuilding

(10 hours later)
Tessa:welcome to the team serial designation L

Soundwave superior worker drones inferiorWhere stories live. Discover now