S2:new visitors

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Tessa and X.S.M came out from the pod they got extractions why they are here and also finding what cost A's death and E kidnapping

Tessa:X,S,M go kill the worker drones

All:yes ma'am

Tessa:good I'll see what happened here

Tessa walks through the snow to see a corpse with very sharp teeth she knew worker drones don't have sharp teeth she didn't realize it's a terrorcon worker drone that got killed off by A

Tessa:what caused this?

Tessa hears a noise she walks there to see thad she runs towards him and kicks him over

Thad:oof ow what was that for!?

Tessa walks towards thad and abouts to kill Thad but chain saw deploys and attacks Tessa

Tessa:what is that thing!?

Thad mercenary symbol appears which Soundblaster knowing who's the enemy now

Thad/Soundblaster:chain saw return now

Chain saw comes back and attached to thad's chest Tessa confused to what happened she stands up and charges towards and slashes him with her sword but thad/Soundblaster blocks with his armor

Tessa:what's going on with this one!? I can't even land a single cut on him

Thad/Soundblaster:stop fighting you'll lose your strength

Tessa:who or whatever you are I'll never give up

She charges at thad but thad/Soundblaster quickly counter her attack and a space bridge opens and teloports her away

Thad/Soundblaster:humans are really inferior now on to the parts to make my weapon

Thad/Soundblaster feels an autobot spark was transfer into a drone but he doesn't care he grabs any left over metal scraps and corpses

Thad/Soundblaster:alright done

He's about to transform but still feels the autobot spark near by he checks anywhere but he only sees khan still doesn't care he transform into his drone form flying away

Tessa:oh god I feel my insides out side of my body what was that? I need to report this to the company

She reported the incident to the company but the company was confused about the incident jcjeson never added that ability to the worker drones the company telled her to kill it before it gets out of hand

Tessa:yes boss

Thad transforms back into his worker drone form he go's to the forge area he loads the scraps and corpses to the forge melting it

Thad:what are you gonna do with it?

Soundblaster:building a weapon of mine which is called the residential blaster it only works for users who have mastered music and sounds as attacks which is only me and my brother to use

Thad:then how come it doesn't work if you're in my body

Soundblaster:easy question to answer is because my abilities transfer to you and your body

Thad:how did you get here at the first place anyway?

Soundblaster:I accidentally stepped on a spark transfer device and transfer here and my brother which we share a spark together similar to skyquake and dreadwing

Thad:that explains everything but who's skyquake and dreadwing?

Soundblaster:I'll tell you soon


The scraps and corpses turn into melted metal when thad/Soundblaster grabs the scooper and scoops the melted metal and it cools down grabs a hammer and started shaping it into a weapon added soundblasts into it added who can hold it into Soundwave and Soundblaster turning off the forge

Note:if you don't know (even tho not Canon)Soundblaster was a blacksmith before the war and saw Soundwave was a gladiator so he came with him building weapons and armor for him to provide any protection and strength

Thad mind:is it ready yet


He adds it to thad's hand and Unequipped switch it back to his hand he heard a noise to see doll tired from the noise of slamming

Doll:*in Russian*what's going on here? I'm trying to sleep

Thad:uh sorry doll

Her absolute solver symbol appears and she grabs thad with her force pulling thad to her bedroom and doll putting to her bed layed down to him

Doll:a little reminder also you're mine thad and only mine

Thad:oh dear I don't know if she a yandere now or what

Soundblaster:good luck thad I hope you have sparklings with you

Soundblaster went on a power nap while doll is asleep he hugs her and rested meanwhile with N and Soundwave

Note:new ship into the story thad x doll also shattered glass doll and lizzy are gonna be in shattered drones on shattered prom I also didn't actually know to add yandere into doll

Character note about shattered drones:shattered glass doll speaks English bullies people including shattered glass thad shattered glass lizzy speaks Spanish and has the absolute solver her parents died from N's attacks and also shattered glass N is the leader of the murder drones you'll see more on shattered drones how he acted

Soundwave superior worker drones inferiorWhere stories live. Discover now