S2:N's kidnapping

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After Jen birth N and J are having trouble with him due to having the same abilities as Soundwave he would transform into his drone form later he knows how to use his tentacles Jen also learns to create space bridge

N:this is a nightmare
Soundwave:the audacity the child gives and that kid is a decepticon anyways
N:what's a decepticon?
Soundwave:the team I'm in
J:Jen please come down here

Jen transform into his normal form

J:oh thank God man I need to control Jen hey N can you do me a favor I'm gonna get some oil and you take care of Jen


J Flys away searching for oil while N taking care of Jen

Soundwave:I should take care of him
Soundwave:I can teach him some of my abilities how it works and how to use him for

Soundwave takes control of N's body

N/Soundwave:alright Jen pay attention I'm going to teach you how to use your abilities

Jen looking confused N/Soundwave showing tentacles with electricity on them

N/Soundwave:focus on your tentacles charge them with your mind

Jen focus on his tentacles and then little sparks on them starts to appear N/Soundwave having no idea someone is behind him

X:got you now

X shoots a electric rod at him and successfully lands on him

System:too much electricity interference shutting down systems

J saw for what happened she flew to them with high speed X with quick reaction fires another electric rod at her J falling towards to a snow pile

X:Tessa got serial designation N
Tessa:good now come back we need to know what makes him tick

X picks up N leaving Jen out she flew towards Tessa location when J wakes up realizing N was kidnapped she picks up Jen she pulls out her wings and takes off towards anyone near by

J:uzi I need your help N was kidnapped
Uzi:by who
J:I don't really know but I do know that something bad will happen to N

Uzi contract the others inform them about the situation

Thad:N was kidnapped!?
Soundblaster:I can pin point his location

Soundblaster without a minute gets the location of N and Soundwave Meanwhile with N and Soundwave

N:ow my back where are we?
Soundwave:i don't know
Tessa:hello N
Soundwave:who's Tessa?
N:the human if I remember correctly that modified me
Soundwave:what does she want?
N:what do you want from me!?
Tessa:to know what makes you tick
N:as in what?
Tessa:who or what got you those abilities which is far more advanced than jcjeson

N trys to look confused for what she talking about

N:what do you mean?
Tessa:I know you're lying and the worker drone I saw has the same abilities as you do
N mind:oh god she's referring to thad and Soundblaster
Soundwave:hold on give me time to free us
Tessa:we decided that we should break down you and take whatever you're hiding and upgrade other murder drone's S get the drills
S:yes boss

S gets the small drills and the dispatcher if something alive is in N's chest

N mind:hurry up Soundwave I think their going to take out lazer beak
Soundwave:I'm trying

Meanwhile with j,uzi,thad and Soundblaster

Thad:both of you get on
Uzi and J:get on what?

J and uzi looking confused thad begins to transform into his alt mode(drone which Soundwave and Soundblaster transform into)J and uzi without a doubt jumps in they take off to N location

Tessa:sorry N but it's for the company

Tessa begins to drill N's chest almost harming lazer beak in the process she finds to be a glowing shape which is the spark of Soundwave she attempted to grab him but N said something

N/Soundwave:Soundwave superior jcjeson inferior
(4:37 and 8:28 he attacks Soundwave is obviously N aswell for thad and S,X is bulkhead and Smokescreen tessa is ratchet)

Tessa shocked for what he said and chain saw came and shoot that what kept N captured

Tessa:huh what did that came from never mind X and S don't let N escape

S and X pulled out their electric rods but it's too late tentacles with electricity grabs a hold of S and X zapped by N/Soundwave S and X knocked out thad came with J and uzi

Thad:you okey N?
N:yes I'm fine just going to do something to Tessa want to join me?

Mercenary and decepticon symbols appear on them tentacles with electricity on them they walked closer to Tessa with pissed off faces on them
(One hour later)they all went home happy and Jen is practicing his abilities he gain from Soundwave but something happened the arms of N and thad their metal starts to rust and replaced by cybertronian metal

Thad and N:what's this type of metal?
Soundwave and Soundblaster:our metal my kind has

Meanwhile with khan

Khan:man I do love doors
Blaster:hello drone
Khan:who are you!?
Blaster:my name is Blaster and I'm an autobot...

Note:my apologies readers for not updating I was doing fun stuff and other things to work on there's only going to be five seasons or less in this story

Soundwave superior worker drones inferiorWhere stories live. Discover now