Shockwave presences and a new partner

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space bridge opens to a snow storm to Shockwave coming out from the space bridge a worker drone running from something to stop to see Shockwave she was scared because she doesn't know if it was another drone or robot made from jcjeson to eliminate them

Shockwave:who are you and what are you running from

???:please don't hurt me I just wanna survive and I'm running from those disassembly drones

E came down preparing to kill her but stopped by Shockwave by a single blast Shockwave grabs the worker drone and transforms and drives away while E was chasing them

Shockwave:we don't have much time

???:it's chasing us!

Shockwave:hold on!

Space bridge opens and Shockwave went through with the worker drone into a second base full of worker drones worker drones looking shocked because due to the tank so advanced even for jcjeson couldn't build Shockwave transform back to his form worker drones froze from fear because never seen Shockwave nor cybertronian

???:uh hey everyone this is my new friend

Shockwave:you didn't tell me your name

???:oh yeah my name is Lora

Lora:this is my home

Random worker drone:what the hell is this thing

Shockwave:I don't attack any life forms well used to and my name is Shockwave

Lora:he saved me from those disassembly drones

Shockwave:you make me feel.....logical

Z mash through the roof of the base and started killing the worker drones and Lora got hit by Z oddly angering Shockwave

Shockwave:what have you done to.....LORA

Shockwave hits Z with his blast Canon and fires at Z


Shockwave:you're very illogical and this day your spark will be teared apart

Z charges at Shockwave and proceed to slash at Shockwave but his armor is too thick to peirce through he uses his stingers to melt Shockwave but Shockwave grabs his tails and ejected to Z making him scream in pain

Shockwave:you'll have to surrender now this is no place for an over grown disassembly drone

Z:who you calling over grown gah-

Other blast from Shockwave greatly wound the titan Shockwave grabs him by the neck and runs to the wall break it with Z on his hand and throws him into a building Z looks up to see its too late Shockwave pointed his blast Canon and fires into his core which what can regenerate from z still alive

Z:plea-please spare m-me

Shockwave:your logical

Shockwave runs to the damage base to see Lora alive

Shockwave:thank the allspark you're ok

Lora:y-yeah but what's an allspark?

Shockwave:I'll explain it later but you need some rest

Shockwave doesn't know how he acts like this

Shockwave:so this is what the autobots feel about this I feel logical when I'm near her

Shockwave and Lora well for Lora sleeps and Shockwave power napping as for Z he comes to A and E they look confused and worried what happened to him and what caused this

A:what happened to you?

E:your core is damaged I'll get a spare

A:what exactly happened to you?

Z:some giant robot that is the same size as me I may kinda hit his partner or friend that angered him and yeah so I ended up like this he's more advanced even for jcjeson

A:that's kinda the same with that traitor N but more different his screen shows into his left eye replaced by a symbol

A shows the symbol that N has on his left eye and Z realize that's the same symbol on Shockwave's blast Canon

Z:that's the same symbol

A:there is a strange presence in N chest and he pulls out something unknown that made the dead worker drones to come back and attack me and he transforms into a drone and Flys away

Z:I grab that part of that unknown martial but it destroyed my hand how did he hold it?

A:that presences probably protected from that martial we must get it so we can figure out how to control the undead

E:got the core it's heavy

Z grabs it and added it to his chest

System:new core added repairing damages

Z wounds quickly regenerate but he would be careful to come in contract with Shockwave and or Lora while A was planning and thinking how is she gonna take Soundwave spark all of them rested for the day because of the sun

Little blooper:
Shockwave:think Z think could you really defeat me

Note:I had to remove the other/original one because I got a warning of it because it has blood on it

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Note:I had to remove the other/original one because I got a warning of it because it has blood on it

Soundwave superior worker drones inferiorWhere stories live. Discover now