S2:universal interference(part one)

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N and thad walking to an abandoned building they didn't know it houses a universe portal

N:what's this?
Thad:I don't know
N:Soundwave can you help us a bit

Soundwave scans the building

Soundwave:it seems like it has something inside of it
Soundblaster:let's go see

N and thad went through only to see an abandoned but still operational universe portal with pictures on the buttons

N:hmm what are these thad turn on the power

Thad turns on the power of the portal and the buttons with pictures on them glow

N:hmmm a broken mirror,two people swapping,a uzi head with a visor that has an X,a dog,some sort of picture with flesh

(For people who don't know what they mean)
Broken mirror:shattered glass universe
Two people swapping:the swap universe
Uzi head with an X:murder drone uzi universe
Dog:animal universe
Picture with flesh:the human universe

N:I think press the uzi head because I care for her

N presses it and the portal activate sucking N and thad in the process

N:AHHH oof
Thad:oh shi-!

Thad lands on N

Thad:wow I land on something soft
N:get off me thad!
Thad:opps sorry N
Soundwave:luckily we got dark energon in our hands to raise the undead to handle the threat
Soundblaster:let's just explore and see what universe we are in

Both of them exist the building and someone saw them

U(uzi):huh? N is alive that's not possible but I have to handle this gonna tell V and J about this

Soundwave detects sounds from U

Soundwave:uh guys we might have a problem
N:what is it

Soundwave plays the recording

N:oh shit
Thad:were so dead

Meanwhile with U and the others

U(uzi):hey guys we might have bad news
J:what bad news
V:back just finished another base now there's one more left so what did I miss
J:explain the bad news
U(uzi):N is alive and he's with another worker drone that is alive right now
J:I don't believe you I saw N perished in front of my eyes-

They hear growling they look to see a terrorcon worker drone

V:what the hell is that!?
J:V take care of it

V pulls her blade out thinking it just a easy kill but the truth it's not she charges at it and the terrorcon dodge and grabs V arm

V:huh? AGH!

The terrorcon worker drone rips her arm apart and U,J where shocked and scared that an undead worker drone tore apart a murder drone limb off

U(uzi):I got this

U pulls out her railgun and fires at the undead worker drone killing it

V:ouch! What was that!?
J:it looked like it's dead but before it was clearly alive even tho it's body is very destroyed
U(uzi):it's possibly N who did this
J:maybe you're right he's back and probably wanted revenge after we killed him

V regenerate meanwhile with thad and N

N:these undead worker drones should give us some sort of troops or infantry
Thad:turns out we need three days till we get back home let's see the base in this universe

Soundwave superior worker drones inferiorWhere stories live. Discover now