N/Soundwave night with J🍋

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Note:welp this is my death wish visit my funeral

While N is sleeping Soundwave is in control since the serial designation A counter just peacefully resting on a bed he found J just flew to him N/Soundwave looking confused

N/Soundwave:what is it J?

J:oh nothing just I want some fun with you

N/Soundwave:what do you mean by that?

J smiled and her eyes turn into hearts N/Soundwave seeing he panicked a little

N/Soundwave:guess this is my misery

J:come on N let's have some fun

N/Soundwave:you're making me uncomfortable

J trapped N/Soundwave he has no choice but to play along because his abilities are offline luckily there's energon but it's too far away

N/Soundwave:oh scrap

J unclothed N/Soundwave same for her she begins uhhh putting N/Soundwave d*** into her


N mind:oh scrap she having fun with him luckily it wasn't me

Soundwave:get over here its your turn

N mind:not and it's revenge for me

Soundwave:fine but not my fault if she gets a sparkling

J begins to uhhh repeat whatever she doing making N/Soundwave stuck

J:mmmm~I want more~

N/Soundwave:fine but just this once

N/Soundwave starts to uhhh how do I say this oh yeah trusting her making her moan even more Soundblaster even heard the sounds from far away and starts laughing

J:please keep going~N

J bites N neck leaving behind a bite mark N/Soundwave starts to sweat due to the energy that J has

J:N can I tell you something~

N/Soundwave:what is it?


N/Soundwave mind leaves broken glass sounds plays on him


J:I just wanted all your attention~

J keeps going plapping on N/Soundwave till it will happen

N/Soundwave:wait please you must get off of me you'll get pregnant

J:that's what I'm working for I just wanna have a child with you~

N/Soundwave:wait what ugh fine you have your wish


N/Soundwave starts to keep doing it faster

J:it's coming~

N/Soundwave:I know

The load was released to J ending up with J pregnant with N child now J satisfied she fell asleep the nightmare was over for Soundwave now N regains his control over his body feels exhausted seeing J pregnant shocked

Soundwave:HA the tables have turned

N:oh shut up Soundwave I'm going to sleep now probably with J

N grabs J and hugs her as both sleeping together meanwhile with Soundblaster

Thad/Soundblaster:that was Hella funny for solar cycles I didn't have this much laughter since the war

E come from out of no where looks at thad starts to slashes at thad but he dodged grabbing E

Thad/Soundblaster:how could a fine female drone like you doing here

E blushed a little wasn't knowing how that feels like

E:oh he-hey umm don't mind if I kill you

Thad/Soundblaster:I wouldn't let that happened dear

Space bridge opens where A and Z are and thad/Soundblaster throws her into the portal and the portal closes A and Z didn't know what happened to E

Note:not gonna lie I was very uncomfortable for this story and little blooper to show
Thad/Soundblaster:she gonna make it *throws her*ding ding ding and she's outta here that's how you deal with a killer drone

Soundwave superior worker drones inferiorWhere stories live. Discover now