truth or dare

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Alright you can tell them a truth or dare of your choosing even stupid ones so leave a comment on the truth or dare for them to do or ask

Truth or dare#1 for N/Soundwave
Truth:who do you like j or v
Dare:I dare you to punch thad/Soundblaster

N/Soundwave:oh brother I got to show you something

Thad/Soundblaster:what is it?

Thad/Soundblaster gets punch in the face

Thad/Soundblaster:gah AGH what was that for!?

N/Soundwave:a dare only and I should run now

Thad/Soundblaster:you better be running

N/Soundwave transform and Flys away aswell for thad/Soundblaster transform and chasing him

Truth or dare#2
N/Soundwave I dare you to hit doll with dark enegon

N/Soundwave:unfortunately I can't do the dare because doll is pregnant with thad's child plus he has the same abilities as me i will instantly perish from him and the dark energon will poison her again

Truth or dare#3
N/Soundwave I dare you to drink uzi oil

N/Soundwave:actually we feed off a different fuel source now but okey hey uzi


N/Soundwave grabs her arm and bites it drinking the oil from her

Uzi:gah- what's wrong with you!?

N/Soundwave let's go

N/Soundwave:it's a dare hmm when am I gonna get a truth

Truth or dare#4
N and Soundwave truth who do you like more V or J

N:hmmm who should I like the most my liking is V
Soundwave:well if I'm gonna choose is gonna be J reason she very rude that I like about her

V and J truth which personally do you like more Soundwave or N

J:hmmm I don't who Soundwave is but if it what made him like that I guess Soundwave
V:N please he's very sweet and his taste is yummy and I wish I had more fun with him

Truth or dare#5
Truth doll,V and J how many kids do you want?
Doll:I'm currently having twins
J and V:I'm currently having one
Me:keep it together thad

I slap him back to reality

Thad:thanks H
Me:no problem

Truth or dare#6
I dare N and thad to fake their own deaths
N:well the problem is that I could regenerate
Thad:doll can easily fix me up so yeah we can't

Truth or dare#7
Truth Soundwave and Soundblaster do you actually know how to raise a sparkling if not there's a bookstore over there
Soundwave:does taking care of each other count
Soundblaster:our parents or care takers left us so we took care of each other so we may have experience of that

Truth or dare#8
I dare N/Soundwave and thad/Soundblaster to ignore your wife for one week
Thad:I'll take the dare N doesn't want to so let's begin
Soundblaster:good luck

Day#1 everything looks fine to thad and doll as well as day two well for day three

Doll:hey thad can you come here

Thad gave no responses doll confused still trying to get his attention it happened for two more days

Doll:so you don't love me thad?

Thad starts to sweat of the response from doll when night hit thad couldn't sleep

Doll:alright that's it!

Soundwave superior worker drones inferiorWhere stories live. Discover now