the absolute solver problem's

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Thad:nothing much is happening but these things on me

Doll:*in a Russian asset*I wouldn't be sure about that

Thad:uh hey doll but what do you mean by that?

Doll laughs and an absolute solver symbol appears she throws knifes at thad but the weapons was blocked to be from Soundblaster's tentacles and the mercenary symbol appears to Thad left eye

Thad/Soundblaster:I think not HA Soundblaster superior doll inferior

Doll in angered attempts to over load Thad with her abilities but the dark energon flows through thad's body and ended it up with her abilities corrupted

Doll:gah AGH what is this

Her colors turn purple and she gets dark energon poisoning she gets weaken but uses her over load ability but again she gets poison

Thad/Soundblaster:I suggest you give up

Doll:I will never surrender

She uses her knifes again only to get blocked the dark energon fully corrupted her the absolute solver in her stops working

Doll:what have you done to me!?

Thad/Soundblaster:you're under our control now

Doll:that can't be true

Doll attempts to use her absolute solver powers but show no interaction showing the absolute solver is greatly damaged because shared the link with doll thad/Soundblaster steps on doll

Doll:fine I yield

Thad/Soundblaster:that what I'm expecting

Thad/Soundblaster walks away but doll throws a knife at him and hits the arm chain saw deploys and attacks doll thad/Soundblaster walks towards doll

Thad/Soundblaster:strike me again and I'll burry that knife in your spark


Thad/Soundblaster carrys doll to thad's room both rested mean while with N and J

J:I got pregnant N now I want your attention

N:fine sweetie but what about V?

J:don't mind her you have me


N:what was that about Soundwave

Soundwave:your suffering is satisfying me now tell the other's you got J pregnant

N:that was you but fine

N go's to where uzi and V are prepares to tell the news

N:alright V don't get angry with J but J got pregnant by me



V:when can I have a turn?


Soundwave gets a message from Soundblaster

Soundwave:we need to talk with my brother is an emergency

N:I got to go so bye

Both:wait N-

He flew away to see thad and Soundblaster they get their

N/Soundwave:whats wrong brother?

Thad/Soundblaster:it's about this doll this body speaks of

N/Soundwave:what about it?

Thad/Soundblaster:she been poison by dark energon we must use regular energon or.....light energon

N/Soundwave:I used up all the regular energon to keep my abilities on status guess I have to use the light energon then

Thad/Soundblaster isn't it too dangerous for dark and light energon can't combine or else it'll destroy this entire planet

N/Soundwave:risk it for the biscuit a human saying

Soundwave adds the light energon into doll and very lucky cures the poison from dark energon doll waken to see N with a different symbol feeling better she falls unconscious

Thad/Soundblaster:thanks brother

N/Soundwave:go on brother get her to rest and be careful okey

Thad/Soundblaster:one thing I saw or hear I heard moans from your fun it's hilarious

N/Soundwave:take it back or I'll rip your voice box apart

Thad/Soundblaster:okey I take it back

Both went to their respective places J with V were arguing and thad/Soundblaster putting doll into thad's bed

N:alright both of you clam down and yes I got J pregnant

V:at least I want a turn

J:N is mine!

Uzi:geez you made some type of jealous girls on ya N

N:I know

Thad:just rest doll you need some

Thad and N rest with their respective family/friends

Note:added another counter part of energon known as light energon is also called the blood of primus and the primes its abilities is known to rises the dead cybertronians given their sparks back but only lasts for 5 thousand years and if come and contract with dark energon it will explode powerful enough to destroy a planet and powers the weapons and tools of the primes

Soundwave superior worker drones inferiorWhere stories live. Discover now