description of the new generation(adult version of my ocs )update

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Vehicle mode:drone
Parents:N and J
Abilities:tentacles,summon space bridge,able to control terrorcon worker drones
Drone type:murder drone decepticon
Has his own group
Group role:leader
Description:Jen the leader of his team he's a murder drone-decepticon he's always strict but nice if you get to know him enough he doesn't have any wings but parts that allows him to transform he treats his team well for vex he was treated like a brother towards Jen he drinks two sources of fuel oil and energon his weapon of choice is a shot gun,lazer canon,rpg jen has a relationship with daisy(congratulations to the user who helped me for naming one of the twins)all tho if someone tries to flirt with her he will torture the ones who even dares to do so his nature is similar to a murder drone and decepticon

Vehicle mode:drone
Parents:N and V
Minicons:cybertronian bat and a robotic bird
Drone type:murder drone decepticon
Abilities:mind control(reference to g1 Soundwave ability or anything related to it)
Group he's in:Jen
Description:Vex is a trouble murder drone-decepticon he has anger issues but gets along with his team mates Jen and vex are related but with different mother's mainly what clams him down is playing with his food,playing with his minicons and having time with one of the twins he doesn't know one of the twins(strawberry)has a crush on him his weapons of choice is flamethrower,bombs,two instruments(what his minicons transforms into reference to transformers animated Soundwave minicons)

Parents:thad and doll
Color:green and reddish coloring
Vehicle mode:motor cycle
Minicons:robotic dog named savage and honey bun(spy bee camera)
Drone type:mercenary worker drone
Abilities:absolte solver,tentacles,sound Detection
Group:Jen's Group
Group role:second in command
Description:daisy usually go's to do many war type crimes during war either against humans or drones doesn't matter to her she usually go's by herself or with a partner she saw others as inferior to her except her family and friends and Jen daisy first saw Jen as a man she could love actively she usually acts innocent to Deceive others using sounds to her advantage against her enemies she not having problems to deal with them weapons of choice sniper gun,flame sword,dark energon infused knifes,dark energon infused rpg,timer bombs

Parents:thad and doll
Color:green and red coloring
Vehicle mode:motor cycle
Minicons:blade and bash down(blade resembles like lazer beak and bash down is a mark four spear bot)
Drone type:mercenary worker drone
Abilities:sound control,opening space bridges that lead to the shadow zone,absolute solver
Group:Jen's Group
Description:strawberry the twin of daisy both of them make a deadly team nearly killed half of the population in war this wanted war criminal wasn't caught and also considered to be a bounty hunter and she never missed or fail to captured the ones who hired her to do so but at her free time she usually spy on vex because she kinda acted like a yandere female worker drones and murder drones go missing due to them getting close to vex or talking to him the one thing she does have is a body pillow of vex her weapons are considered deadly such as insecticon claws,mixture of every achid in existence,a lazer that no one can escape,tons of nukes,infused uradium dark energon bomb launcher

Soundwave superior worker drones inferiorWhere stories live. Discover now