S2:the sparkling arrival

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J minding her own business until she felt a massive pain she drops down she calls N

J:N I need help the baby is coming!

N and Soundwave:the baby is coming!?


Soundwave:come on we don't have much time

Soundwave contacts Soundblaster inform him about the sparkling

Soundblaster:the sparkling is coming!? Thad we need to go pick up your friend now!

Thad:on it

Thad picks up doll

Doll:where are we going?

Thad:no time to explain

Both N and thad transform to their drone form Doll having no idea for what just happened N and thad flew in high speed to J's location they got their fast

J:N help me

N:don't worry J I'll help you get passed this

Thad:how do we get to the hospital or medic here

N:we don't need to we must get to the pod


N opens a space bridge to the pod


Doll:where did that came from!?

All of them went through and uzi and V sitting looked shocked for what just happened

N:hurry up we don't have much time we need to deliver the child

V and uzi:child!?

Soundblaster:im no doctor but I think I know how to handle this

J laying on a bed while thad/Soundblaster prepares for the process

Thad/Soundblaster:N hold j's hand and the other use your tentacle

N:alright hold on J

J grabs N hand and tentacle

J:alright N thanks

Thad/Soundblaster:let's begin one....two....three push!


J starts to scream due to pain she starting to squeeze N's hand and tentacle harder and harder per push

Thad/Soundblaster:again one....two....three push!


Uzi:oh god I should look away

Doll:I guess I will feel that soon

V:got to agree with that doll

Thad/Soundblaster:one more! On three one.....two.....three PUSH!


J squeeze N's hand and tentacle so so hard it breaks it


Soundwave:hey!I NEEDED THAT!

thad/Soundblaster:congratulations it's a male child

J:ca-can I hold him?

Thad/Soundblaster:yes you can

Thad/Soundblaster gives her the child J crying of happiness she looks at N

J:h-hey N what do we name him?

N:Jen that will be his name and his other name is serial designation E not to be confused with the other one

E:hey! I'm right here I can hear you

No one was watching the baby a decepticon logo appears on his left eye for a bit then dissappear Soundwave and Soundblaster knew that he has a half of a spark and half of a core uzi,doll,V and J didn't forget how did N and thad have theses abilities at the first place Meanwhile with Shockwave

Shockwave:hmm? a life single it's....a autobot spark and it's in someone body

System:scanning drone

Shockwave:who is this?

System:drone named khan and autobot spark is.......blaster

To be continued......

Soundwave superior worker drones inferiorWhere stories live. Discover now