the date and unexpected visits and new enemies

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N and Soundwave were talking what to do with j and v which one to pick they can't pick both because N and Soundwave share a body to each other

N:should I pick V? or J I mean you did flirted with J

Soundwave:you should take V I mean she is obsessed with you in her systems she really likes you there are pictures of you

N:if you say so

Soundwave:I'll probably guide you on your way while I'll take J


Sometime a ship similar to the pod N,V and J came from drop down to the planet that came out were other murder drones and one titan murder drone who will become Shockwaves enemy the murder drones named A,E,Z,(Z is the titan A and E are two females Z is male)they came out

A:alright the company telled us that their something wrong with J and V,N we must fixed them or finish them off if they are traitors E and Z go kill the worker drones

E and Z:on it

They went to do their jobs mean while A looks at N what was going on with him she saw some type of present a glowing shape of a diamond she didn't know that was Soundwave spark main while N and Soundwave taking a walk A Flys to him N jumping back A knew he was a traitor

A:so you're the one who worked with a worker drone N

N:who are you and how do you know of my name!?

A:none of your concern but what is your concern is your death

A quickly pulls out her blade and slashes at N but N blocks it with Soundwave's armor plates A was confused theses armor plates are too advanced even for jcjeson

A:what are these things

N/Soundwave:my abilities lazer beak attack!

Lazer beak deploys and attacks A causing A to jump back and lazer beak comes back and attached to N's chest

A:what the heck is that!?

N/Soundwave:my minicon you'll regret scraping with me since we're in a corpse plie I will see how long you could last

A:what do you mean by that?

N/Soundwave:you'll see

N/Soundwave pulls out a piece of dark energon and throws into the pile of corpses A looking confused and panic attempts to fly away but caught and zapped by Soundwave tentacles unable to fly she was forced to fight the terrorcon worker drones

A:guess I had to fight my way out from you traitor!

N/Soundwave:you're not gonna fight me but they are

The corpses started rising A prepares for a fight started to engage the terrorcons A looks at N/Soundwave seeing him transform into a drone which what Soundwave transform into Flys away

N:woah this feels amazing! weeeeeee

Quickly came back to v and j are transform back to his murder drone form

Soundwave:do not tell about this ok


J and V:how are you N have you finished your thinking plus what kept you while?

N:I had a run in with someone but is not important now I'll be taking V on a little date

V:yes! guess I win the bet J now you own me a favor

J:ugh fine N please be careful and V don't try anything funny with my N

V:he's mine

N:alright break it up you two


N grabs V hand and flew away mean while with A

A:gah what are these things why don't they die already! I'm getting weak

E and Z saw what A fighting with and finish off the rest of the terrorcon worker drones

E:what are these things you look weak A want me to help you


E took away A from the battle while Z was wondering what caused this looks around to see the piece of dark energon that risen the dead worker drones he decided to grab the piece but resulted of Z hand to get destroyed immediately because the power it has is to powerful only cybertronians can hold it Z left it while his hand was regenerate
(Now back to N and V)

N:can't believe you were sickly in love with me have you been hiding this the whole time

V:yes I was nervous about you don't accept me

N:no wonder you were cold to me but I accept you

V blushed


N kissed V cheek making V blush hard like a fresh organic apple V ended up too carried away that she umm how do I say this oh yeah making out with N over an hour or two god I need therapy N ran out of energy to keep this up Soundwave has no choice but to zap V and end up knocking out V

N/Soundwave:you alright N

N:y-yeah oh god how did I survive that thanks for making V rest now let's go back home

N/Soundwave:alright let's go home

N/Soundwave transform carrying V to the pod and reforms to his normal form switching to N putting V to the chair J seeing lots of kiss marks turn aggressive to V even tho she is knocked out N clams J down

N:alright we should get some rest right


N/Soundwave picks up j and sleeps with her J smiling hugs him feeling comfortable near him she regrets she was very rude to him

Note:alright let me explain how I got the titan idea it's from the oc I saw which I saw serial designation X anyways the titans are the same size as cybertronians there is gonna be a fight with Shockwave against Z so stay toon

Soundwave superior worker drones inferiorWhere stories live. Discover now