S2:the double night🍋

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N and thad were peacefully walking talking about how they got their partners in their heads

Thad:can't believe a mind is in my head

N:agreed with you

Soundwave and Soundblaster:hey don't be offensive to us we gave you abilities that we shared with you

N and thad:guess you are right sorry

Meanwhile with doll and V looking at them with hearts on there eyes

Doll and V:I can't handle my feelings for that much longer I want them

Soundwave:uh oh I think we should run


Soundwave:this V you speak of wants to have a sparkling with you!

N:uh oh

Soundblaster:thad get moving fast! This doll drone wants to have a sparkling with you as well!

N:let's get going now


But it's too late V and doll are behind them they look back to see them

Doll:oh thad~ come here~

V:oh N~I wanna have something with you~

Thad and N:
(3:19 or 3:20 N is starscream and thad is knockout the terrorcons are V and doll)

Thad:AHHHHHH I'm not ready!

N:I already experience this before and I'm not having it again!

They go to a corner but saw doll teloport and V behind them they were trapped

Thad:if is indeed the end its nice knowing you N

N:I know see you in the after life gah-

Thad:I can't move!

Both of them were trapped N tied up by V's tail thad stuck by the force of the absolute solver V and doll happy and pleased brings them to doll's room and puts N and thad on a bed V and doll left about to uh how do I say this oh yeah undressing N and thad attempted to move but they can't

Thad:I can't move

N:me neither

Thad:can't believe that I'm gonna die like this Soundblaster give me a hand over here or tentacle

Soundblaster:I can't my abilities are stuck Soundwave try yours

Soundwave:mine is also stuck how is this possible?

V and doll:oh guys~

They came out uhhh how do I say this oh yeah naked N and thad got their noses leaking oil

Soundwave and Soundblaster:my screen/optics!

They got closer to them and started undressing N and thad

V:oh robo Jesus it's so big~

Doll:same with thad~

They first by uhh sitting on them if you know what I mean

V and doll:ah~

Thad:gah~I never seen this but it feels bad and good at the same time~

V:MMMM~N you feel so good~

N:i-i can't resist~

N breaks free but doesn't run away he started plapping on V

Soundwave:what are you doing!?

Soundblaster:oh my screen/optics are still burning isn't it a nice day to have that

N and V:ah~

Thad also breaks free but he make doll to get off of him he grabs doll arms doll confused why he did that

Thad:doll i-i love you~

Doll:I love you too~

Both of them kissing while N and V having fun


Thad and doll:MMMM~

Thad and N:I think is coming do you really want children?

Doll and V:YES DO IT IN ME!

The quote on quote white stuff came out of them filling doll and V(I would like to know the science behind this)

Doll:MMM~a little mark to leave behind of the night

Doll bites thad neck leaving behind a bite mark both V and doll were pregnant and the children have abilities of the parents they came from(I'm a former ark player so the children are baby dinosaurs with mutations for example doll has the absolute solver and thad has the abilities of Soundblaster so the child has both of these abilities)

V:N I'm glad you make me pregnant

N:hehe yeah but shh thad and doll are sleeping

All of them fell asleep

Lizzy:hehehe I used this video as a blackmail for later on N,V,thad and doll

The absolute solver destroys the camera and Soundwave and Soundblaster disrupts the video really badly that it no longer works

Doll:don't cross me or my thad got it?



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