dark energon:murder drones vs terrorcon worker drones

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N/Soundwave pulls out a piece of dark energon and throws into the pile of corpses and a space bridge opens behind the surviving worker drones

N/Soundwave:everyone go through the portal now

The worker drones went through and the portal closes and the corpses started twitching and started rising j,v and uzi looking shocked the worker drones now terrorcons looking at v and j and they started to attack them as well for uzi and n

Uzi:what have you done what is that thing you've thrown at the corpses

N/Soundwave:most of them are attacking j and v

V:what are these things I'm keeping firing on them but it won't stay dead I don't really know how long we can hold them off I'm also getting weak gah-

One of the terrorcons grabs v arm and bites off one of v guns j stabing the terrorcon on v killing the terrorcon

J:use melee attacks its the only way to finish them off

(Boss music for the fight)
The terrorcons getting killed but more keep coming V and J still fighting till they are fully weaken from the affects of dark energon as well n and uzi are getting weaken from the affects

Uzi:I feel weak but I need to be strong

V and j killed every terrorcon but they fell to the ground weaken N tied both of them up

N:come on uzi we must get out of here or else we'll get weaken

They took off with j and v when they got to the pod N puts both of them into a chair when j and v woke up they were heavy damage beyond the core can regenerate because the exporter of dark energon

J:ugh my head what happened N why did you betrayed us!?

V:I was gonna tell you something about you

Both of them nervous and they blushed

Both:can I be with you!

N blush a little bit

N:I'll think about it but you two need some rest

N kissed them both on the forehead and both blushed hard

Note:I'll be doing a Q&A about the characters on the story only the luckiest comments will be in the Q&A post good ones and the truth or dare is coming soon

Soundwave superior worker drones inferiorWhere stories live. Discover now