❯ ten

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Hyunjin arrived at the said dance studio that evening, he panted quietly to himself, chest heaving of tired breaths and sweat beaded across his forehead. Harley looked up from the counter.
I know, the humid is enough to kill me too. What happened to you? You stopped attending all of the sudden.
She asked and Hyunjin bowed to her, still panting and sweating.

Months have passed since he last stepped foot in the studio, after he broke up with Ryujin he took his time to think things through by going back home in the countryside all winter and spring break. When he came back to the city, he wanted to focus on his studies and himself first, resulting most of his time in school or at home. He felt like he was caught in a slump, he didn't expect it would take him too long to get himself back up.

Hyunjin can't remember the last time he was interested to dance, to paint, to meet up with his friends. He wasn't supposed to be back in the club again this early because he still felt like an empty void. Just yesterday, his mom called him and reminded him to at least try, at least step foot in the studio and he doesn't even have to dance, to meet up with his friends who were worried about him, pick up a paintbrush, anything.

She had told him it was normal to get slumped especially at his age, and as much as he needs time to regain himself, he shouldn't neglect it for too long that he starts to be afraid of trying his passions again. It made Hyunjin think, to stop doing the things he loved would be suicide to his emotional wellbeing.

He wasn't planning on dancing today, he just wanted to see the studio and think again. Now that he's here, he's getting the sudden urge to just let go and release himself. Harley pouted and leaned on the counter.
A shame you couldn't participate in the Christmas street dance competition, we could use a few more dancers in the choreography.
Hyunjin blushed of embarrassment and said his sorry.

How did the competition go?
He asked and she smiled.
Might want to ask Minho for that.... Oh, and between us, even though that guy doesn't seem like it, I could tell he still waits for you every day.
Hyunjin blushed an even deeper shade of red, he shook his head and tried to calm himself down. "No no no— Harley is always playing with everyone, she's just messing with me."
He thought out.

I'm being serious, he keeps staying 'til the last hour and glancing at the door. Whenever a day passed that you don't come here, he leaves with a disappointed expression.
Harley giggled.
Go ahead and meet him in the usual spot, he's been tired recently because he's promoted to a choreographer, seeing you might make him feel better.

Hyunjin stood by the door of their usual practice room, he couldn't hear music playing, nor footsteps of someone dancing but Harley told him he's still there. He really wants to back out right now, he doesn't know how to face the older, and he just feels ashamed for disappearing without a word.

He wonders if what Harley said was really true, it made Hyunjin guiltier if it was, he wouldn't mind if Minho was upset with him, but he's internally hoping the older would understand. Surely enough, Minho would have experienced burnouts as well, it would be nice if he could cut Hyunjin some slack.

He went in and saw the older at the corner of the room, leaning on the wall as he hugged his knees, sleeping peacefully. Harley told him the older was promoted to being the team's choreographer when the previous one switched groups, and Minho was attending classes again so it must've been hard for him to balance everything.

Walking towards the older, he could feel his heartbeats against his chest, nervously he crouched near Minho's sleeping figure.
"He looks so innocent when sleeping...."
Hyunjin thought. He jolted when the older opened his eyes and Minho stared at him for a few seconds, a sigh escaped Minho lips yet his eyes never left Hyunjin's.
How have you been?
Was all the older asked, voice still quiet and sleepy.

Hyunjin smiled and sat crossed leg in front of him, explaining and apologizing for what happened the past few months.
Are you feeling better now?
Minho asked, voice still sleepy yet soft, Hyunjin nodded his head.
Seeing you made me feel better, at least.
He said and Minho chuckled.
Even so, I might not be the best person for comfort, but whenever you feel like the weight of the world is on your shoulders, I hope you still come to me anyway.... Burnouts.... Are the worst.... It sucks when you face it alone.... 

Minho stood up and yawned, stretching his limbs and sighing again. Hyunjin stood up as well and went for it, he jumped and engulfed the older in a big bear hug.
Thank you, hyung.
Hyunjin said, burying his face on Minho's shoulder, the scent of cigarette and strawberry cologne mixing in to form an intoxicating spell. Minho was taken aback, not knowing how to react, but even with shaking hands he lifted his arms and awkwardly patted the younger's back.
You won't have this privilege as much in the future, but I've had my experience on slumps, it makes you feel worse than shit.
Minho said and gave in to Hyunjin's hug.

"He feels so warm..... And comforting..... I feel like I'm at peace in his arms....."
Minho thought out and closed his eyes, engulfing Hyunjin's sweet scent, his warm presence and embrace.
Hyunjin let go when he noticed Minho starting to doze off again amidst their hug.
Minho distanced himself and yawned again.
Will you continue your membership here?
He asked and Hyunjin nodded, the younger had such a charming smile, Minho couldn't help but smile as well.

On the way out of the studio, Harley stopped Hyunjin for a moment to give him a flyer. She clapped her hands excitedly.
How about making it up to us by joining the Haneul Summer Camp? It's a yearly dance training for different dance troupes that usually lasts for a week. What do you say? Interested in joining?
Hyunjin scanned through the contents of the flyer and pursed his lips, he was avoiding any kind of activities such as this for a while, he was still in the middle of a burnout after all.

He looked over at Harley with a slight frown.
Is Minho hyung participating?
Hyunjin asked, a bit hopeful in order to give some consideration, the expression on Harley's face gave it away. She crossed her arms and sighed.
He never attended any training camps the past three years he joined us. It took us a while to make him join competitions too.
Hyunjin nodded his head and was about to set the flyer down when he felt a presence over his shoulder.
Hm? The summer camp, will you be coming as well?

Minho hyung!
Hyunjin jolted and turned to Minho who was also on his way out, bag slung on one shoulder and wearing a change of clothes for the summer weather. Minho looked up at him and his head tilted to the side of curiosity.
Why? You're not interested in joining?
He asked and Harley blew a raspberry.
He might, if you participate.
She told them, hoping to kill two birds with one stone.

Minho nodded his head.
Mn, I'll be participating this year. While I'm the temporary choreographer, the boss asked me to represent our dance troupe for now.
Harley's eyes sparkled.
Well I didn't expect this of you! You never participate in anything!
Minho scrunched his nose and scoffed at her.
I was about to decline, but Eunbi encouraged me to join because we'll be seniors the next school year, this might be our last summer camp so we could focus on job hunting next summer.

Then I'll join as well!
Hyunjin suddenly said and looked at Minho with sparkling eyes.
"There he goes again...."
The older thought. It was Harley's turn to scoff.
You look like you were about to pass on the camp earlier, what made you change your mind so suddenly?
She teased, eyeing Minho who narrowed his eyes on her.
If Minho hyung will be there, then I'll be there too!

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Kaveh Kaveh Kaveh Kaveh Kaveh Kaveh Kaveh Kaveh Kaveh Kaveh Kaveh Kaveh

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