❯ seven

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Minho looked at himself in the mirror, making sure his glasses were clean, hair not too messy, and face alright. He smiled a little to himself before putting on his winter coat and headed out the room.
He stopped, hearing Chan call out to him, but as usual he didn't look at him as he arrived at the door.
You look pretty today.
He complemented making Minho stop in his tracks, he could sense Chan smiling at him sincerely, but he just went out the house ignoring him.

Minho smiled as the door of the house opened up. That Sunday afternoon, Minho decided to visit his forgotten thesis partner, Seo Changbin.
Um— who are you?
He asked and Minho let out a playful smile.
My name's Lee minho. Your thesis partner.
At the mention of his name, Seo Changbin felt his blood boil.
Minho couldn't help but laugh at his partner's expression, he looked so angry that his nostrils were flaring up.

Changbin let him in and made him sit by the couch, Minho took out some notes and other things from his bag while Changbin went upstairs. He came back down and plopped a huge stack of textbooks and research papers on the coffee table.

Minho piled up the papers and fixed his glasses.
You don't look too happy to see me.
He smiled at Changbin.
Minho shushed Changbin and crossed his arms.
Yes I know, why do I not attend classes? Why did I leave you to do our thesis by yourself? My fucking audacity to show up on your doorstep to ask about our project? I'm here to make it up to you.

Changbin's mouth fell open of shock.
This report is due Monday— hOW ARE WE SUPPOSED TO GRIND OUR THESIS? I haven't even put together the findings, these are all just random data I've somehow managed to come up with.
He groaned and Minho smirked at him.
Wanna bet?

It was almost five in the morning when Minho poked Changbin's head, the younger hours prior fell asleep on the coffee table.
Hey, our paper is done, so is the PowerPoint presentation.
Minho said and Changbin hurriedly rushed behind Minho to read their research on the older's laptop.
This..... You actually managed to piece together the data I've collected....

I've already made the analysis, we just need to attach a visual representation.
Minho scanned through the presentation, eyes a bit droopy, he was a night owl but working nonstop over a laptop screen drained him more than he realized.
Oh— I've already commissioned a junior to make the graphs, just send me the files and I'll attach it to our presentation.

Minho gave him a side eye.
So much for being a chad senior.
He said and Changbin grunted.
He's a close friend, also, we still split the cost on this one. His name is Hwang Hyunjin, you still have to make it up to me so be the one to pass our project to the professor. If you ever run into Hyunjin in school, be sure to pay him.
Changbin left to brew some coffee for Minho.

Changbin swatted Minho's arm when he dozed off on the bus ride to school.
Wake up we're here.
The younger dragged him out the bus. Minho isn't really the friendly type, he has no interest with social interaction as much as possible, frankly enough he was surprised that he and Changbin are acting like life long best friends even if they've only known each other for less than twenty four hours.

They have different classes on Monday so Changbin left Minho to pass their project to their professor. He sighed as he left the faculty room.
"That's done, at least."
He thought to himself and walked along the hallway. Smoking was prohibited in the premises so Minho felt in pain whenever he had to wait for his classes to be over.

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