❯ twelve

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Oh god, it's so hot.
Yeonjun crashed on his covers alongside Hyunjin who was also beaten up for the day, not only was the weather so uncooperative, but the continuous dance sessions also made them all sore and exhausted. Though none of them would admit it, they were having a lot of fun despite the unconventional circumstances.

Everyone was getting ready for bed that late evening, some were still in the showers, and most were talking or on their phones. They all stopped talking and stared as Minho entered the room carrying a giant cooler. They bowed their respect to their senior as the room fell into a dead silence. It was a normal occurrence, and Minho doesn't really pay attention to how he was being treated.

Today, he somehow noticed how exhausted some of his members were (mostly because of Eunbi who scolded him on how he was overworking his subordinates). Minho wasn't that heartless, so he decided to treat them some cold shakes he bought from a nearby stall when the leaders went out for grocery shopping, he thought about the others outside his temporary group and decided to just buy shakes for everyone in camp.
I got fruit shakes for everyone, help yourselves.
He said in his usual monotone voice and left the boys dormitory right after placing the cooler down.

The room was still silent as they stared at Minho's leaving figure, when they saw he was far enough, they cheered and ran to hand out the fruit shakes.
Yeonjun hyung.
The older looked up from his pillow to see Hyunjin giving him a share of the drinks. He said his thanks and Hyunjin sat on his own bed beside Yeonjun.
I didn't expect this of Haven's leader, I've been wanting to make friends with him but he's always distancing himself from everyone, so I thought he wasn't interested in interacting with us.
Yeonjun said, starting to indulge the mango shake.

You mentioned you never met the old leader, right? Well, it's actually fortunate, he's quite an asshole so most of us left to find a better dance troupe. I don't mean to talk like this behind Minho sunbae's back, but we thought he would be the same, but Minho sunbae doesn't seem like a bad person to me.
Yeonjun admitted and Hyunjin nodded his head rapidly.
Minho hyung might act like that but he's actually really nice and considerate, he's a really good dancer too! He's been in a lot of pressure ever since he took over the dance troupe, but he just doesn't like to show it, I think he secretly cares for everyone but in his own way.

Yeonjun chuckled and nodded in agreement, he wasn't close with Minho in any way, their first interaction was barely an interaction. He only saw Minho once before leaving the dance troupe and it was the day Minho joined.
He's every guy in the books, no wonder the girls are after him.
He said and Hyunjin frowned.
They, like him?
Hyunjin asked and Yeonjun nodded.
I have a few gal pals and they're all smitten over Minho sunbae, they say his tsundere personality and dance style is attractive, not to mention how handsome he is too. They're trying to get a chance to talk to him and ask for his socials but nothing's really working as of now.
Hyunjin would admit, what Yeonjun said kept him awake the whole night.

Hyunjin stood amidst the crowd to watch the other dancers perform on stage, they arrived at the central plaza that morning to practice and set up before the fundraising competition start. It was a small town on the outskirts of the city, there were elderly people and kids on the front row seats, casual passersby watching from the barricade, and up front were the judges of the show; the town mayor, a famous choreographer, and Taemin from SHINee.   
Quick! Lee Minho's up next!
Hyunjin's heart raced after hearing it from a distance, he wasn't new to watching dance competitions such as this, but everything that seems to revolve around Minho got his heart racing in a different type of beat. Sometimes it beats like a rapid drum, and sometimes it was slow and tender, despite the differences it made Hyunjin feel the same things throughout his body and repeat the same things over and over in his mind: I admire him, more than I realized. 

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