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for every day, for every year

for every day, for every year

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THE BRUSH GENTLY goes through Thana's hair, behind her stands Verrill with a sad smile on his face. Not in fear of losing his family in the games, but through the fact that he will miss his youngest two children. Jamila has been a mess the last few days at the thought of Latif leaving her again but seeing little Diana and Aramis, Sadiya's children, always make the broken woman smile. Thana must agree that Diana and Aramis are two very cute babies, but how her mother tries to get self-worth for herself out of the two younglings hurts her heart.

"Will you watch out for yourself and Latif?" Verrill asks his youngest daughter, "I love you both so much and want you home in one piece."

"Dad, nothing so serious is going to happen," Thana looks up at the man, "but I promise to watch over him and myself. I will always do that; I promise you that."

"Now, I know I am not Arthur or your mother," Verrill smiles softly, "but I do think your hair looks amazing like this." He holds up a mirror and reveals a half updo with braids.

"It looks beautiful dad," Thana stands up and hugs the man, "you really out did yourself again." She kisses Verrill's cheek. "I love you very much."

"Come we need to go to the square," Verrill kisses Thana on her head and they leave Thana's house towards the reaping where the rest of the family will wait on them.


When the Jardin family is taking their goodbyes for Thana and Latif, more people start to reach the square. Young boys and girls from just 12 standing anxiously with either their parents or older siblings.

"That was us once," Sadiya sadly smiles at Thana as she sees two sisters standing together.

"Yeah, but now you've got two troublemakers of your own." Thana hugs her sister. "I'll miss you, and I'll miss cooking for you."

"I am going to miss you as well," Sadiya gives Thana a squeeze in her hand, "and I am positive little Diana and Aramis will miss your presence as well."

"Come Latif," Thana gives her brother a smile, "we are expected by August." Latif slowly follows his sister, the bright yellow of her dress stands out between the forming crowd.

Thana smiles brightly at the people from her district as she makes her way through them, she wishes that like every other midday she could wish people a good day, but she knows today is in fact not a good morning or a good day. Today is de darkest day in district 9, even if the sun betrays them and always shines super brightly. Reaping day in literature deserves the dramatic weather of rain so it shows the sadness of the occasion, so it shows the pain the people as a collective are in.


"Welcome, welcome," August stuts towards the microphone, "let us welcome the victors! Pearl, Brair and Thana for the ladies!" August cheers for himself as Thana walk up helping both Briar and Pearl getting to their places. "And Rohan and Latif for the males!" Thana looks back she sees her brother and Rohan walking up, the latter has just like Thana a sad smile on his face, as today they are reminded again by the loss of their fellow victor Lartius. "Today we are here to remind ourselves of the past." As on que, the same old boring short film of the past of Panem is shown, the consequences of the rebellion and the reason they are gathered here today.

"So, ladies and gentlemen of district 9," August smiles brightly, "happy 74th Hunger Games, may the odds be ever in your favour!" he excitedly claps in his hands. "Let us start with the boys," August struts in his heels towards the bowl with boy's names.

Thana draws a deep breath; this will be one of the kids she is going to have to mentor. If the boy or girl is 18, she will only be a year older than them and her brother a year younger. It will be weird now that Rohan can and will stay home, and she'll mentor with Latif.

"The boy that will represent district 9 these Hunger Games is," August opens the little card, "Wirt Uriel," August announces, a boy from the 14-year-olds section steps out and is being led by peace makers towards the stage.

"And now for the girls," August walks fast towards the bowl and dramatically picks a little card out of it before returning to his microphone, "the girl representing district 9 these Hunger Games is Felica Gort." A girl from the 13-year-olds section stumbles out and is immediately surrounded by peace makers that lead her towards the stage as well.

"Wonderful," August takes both tributes their hands and lets them shake those hands. "Ladies and gentlemen of Panem, the tributes from district 9 for the 74th Hunger Games!"

The crows slowly leave the square when the tributes are entering the building. Many people grasp their loved ones who are safe another year, but the families of both Wirt and Felica sadly keep standing there, waiting for their time to say goodbye. The Jardin family stands with Carita who runs towards her father to help Pearl and Brair of the stage back towards their homes. Thana smiles as she sees Pearl light up at the sight of Rohan's daughter, she gives both woman a squeeze in their hands as she links her hand with Latif. They wave to their family and then to disappear into the building towards the car that will take them to the train where they will officially meet their tributes.


"Hello Felica and Wirt," Thana greets the two tributes. "We'll have dinner in a few hours. If there is anything you want to ask, I will be here, August will be somewhere around."

"What about Latif?" Wirt asks bluntly, he looks at Felica who has all her attention directed at Thana.

"He is in his room, trying to sleep. He'll be around with dinner, then you can ask him things as well." Thana smiles softly, "you two can do that as well, or we could watch the other tributes getting reaped." Thana suggests, "it is always good to know who you're up against."

"That would be okay," Felica says looking up at the victor, "did you do that too for your games?"

"I did," Thana smiles, "it gave me a good feeling to know my opponents before I would see them at the tribute parade."

"Then let's do that," the 14-year-old shrugs and follows the girl towards a different coupe where a television is located.

"They are still busy in the later districts," Thana says, "but we start by district 1 and when we reach our district the other districts will be done as well."


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