𝟮𝟯 𝘊𝘭𝘦𝘢𝘯𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘜𝘱 𝘛𝘩𝘦 𝘔𝘦𝘴𝘴

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TW: Lying and mentions of consumption of alcohol

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TW: Lying and mentions of consumption of alcohol.

[Somewhere Only We Know - Keane]
1:40 ─〇───── 2:13
⇄ ◃◃ ⅠⅠ ▹▹ ↻

Once again, that damn sun goes and blinds me through the curtains. I swear, God is just doing it to piss me off. If there even is a god, he sure as hell has it out for me. My back kills as I roll around on the wooden floor, the pillow under my head shifting as I do. Ever since Eden stayed the night in my room, I've made a deal with myself to at least try and sleep in my own bed. I did try at first, but last night I gave her the entire bed for herself. I couldn't just leave her in her own room, drunk and throwing up all the contents of her stomach. So, after I took her away from the party, I changed her into some of my clothes, a T-shirt that fell past her knees and slipped her under my covers. She was already asleep before I placed her head on the pillow. And to be completely honest, I didn't share the bed with her because I was scared she was going to wake up and see me there, regretting things when the only thing we should be regretting is letting slip to Wanda and Nat that we were together. I pulled her away just before she could say those words for definite, but I also should have done something sooner. That is on me. This isn't just Eden's fault, it's ours.

Getting out of my makeshift bed, I accidentally knock over the bucket beside me. I placed it beside my bed the night before, just in case Eden needed to use it or couldn't make it to the bathroom in time to throw up, and luckily, she didn't wake up to throw up. My assumption was correct, she can hold down alcohol like a motherfucker. The noise of the metal bucket hitting the wooden panels caused sudden movement in my bed, and I know for definite that I'd woken her up. Sitting up from my bed, I look over at my bed, seeing Eden doing the same, her once beautifully styled hair now knotted together behind her back.

"Good morning." I smile.

"Ahh," She groans. "Stop shouting."

"Sorry." I laugh.

"Oh, my god. It feels like I've been beaten over the head a million times. I don't even remember how I got here."

"That's because you didn't." I stand up. "I got you here when you passed out." I sit beside her on the bed. "What do you remember?"

"Uh, the bar." She chuckles.

"Eden," I look at her seriously. "What do you remember?"

"What? Why are you looking at me? What did I-" Her eyes widen. "Oh, my god."

She pulls the covers from her legs and throws herself off the bed. I watch her pace back and forth in my room, never looking me in the eyes. I don't know if she knows it, but she probably won't look at me because she feels guilty. Been there done that. I stand from the bed, grabbing her by her elbow and moving my body down so she has to look at me. When she does, there are no tears, no anger, nothing. Just regret.

"I told them." She whispers. "Oh, my god. I'm so sorry."

"Hey, look at me. This isn't a bad thing. I took you away from the bar before you could say anything else. Maybe they were too drunk to remember it."

"No," She scoffs. "Nat maybe, but Wanda didn't drink. She's underage. If Nat forgot, Wanda defiantly told her this morning."

"Then we talk to them," I suggest.

"What if we make things worse?"

"How much worse can things get?" I ask. "Look, we talk to them and ask them to keep this secret to themselves. That way it doesn't get back to your father."

"Okay," She tries to convince herself. "Okay, let's do it."

I grab her hand, giving her one last look of encouragement before we walk out of my room together. We make it to the elevator and her shaky hand reaches for the main level button, making the rim of it go red. We wait until there is a ding, the doors opening wide. We don't even have to go looking for them, already hearing their chatter from down the hallway. Eden's steps are slow and calculated like she's on a mission. This is clearly freaking her out, which is freaking me out since I've never seen her so scared before. I know there is a lot at stake here, but I'm the one that will get most hurt in this situation. Maybe she's scared for me? No, that's not possible.

"Nat?" Eden calls out. "Wanda."

"Yeah?" Both of the girl's heads turn. "You alright?"

"We need to talk to you."

"We?" Nat asks.

"Yeah," I step out from behind Eden. "We."

"Oh," Wanda looks down. "Is this about last night?"

"Uh, yeah." Eden doesn't make eye contact. "What do you, uh."

"About what Eden said last night, what did you infer from that?" I finish Eden's stuttering.

"That you two are close," Wanda answers.

"Very close." I can't decipher the tone in Nat's voice.

"Meaning?" Eden pushes.

"Are you two sleeping together?" Nat doesn't beat around the bush.

"Well, uh." Eden looks at me.

"I never asked, actually." I stutter. "But no. It's more than just sleeping with each other."

"So, you're dating?" Wanda questions.

"Yeah, we are," Eden says with pride.

"But no one knows, and it has to stay that way," I exclaim.

"Why?" Wanda seems innocent.

"My father. You know better than anyone Nat that he would hurt someone if he knew about Bucky and me."

"Yep," Nat smacks her lips. "Doesn't matter how lethal you used to be, James. You have nothing on a homicidal Tony Stark." There's sarcasm in her voice, but I'm not laughing.

"Can you keep this to yourselves?" Eden asks, sternly.

"I can." Wanda smiles. "I don't want to start anything, and I'm happy you're happy E. You deserve to be. You too, James."

"Thank you," I smile.

"What about you, Nat?" Eden questions.

"Eden," She walks over to Eden. "You know I see you as a younger sister, so please understand when I say that I will always be worried about you. No matter who you are with, they will never be good enough for you in my eyes. You need someone who makes you feel like you're on top of the world. Someone who looks at you and knows that they want to spend the rest of their life with you, take care of you, and make you feel special. Does James make you feel like that?"

"Yes," Eden doesn't hesitate. "Yes, he does."

"Good," She smiles. "Then it's settled, I'll keep your secret."

"Thank you." Eden takes a deep breath.

"You might have just saved my life." I joke.

"Then you better use the hell out of it making Eden happy." She threatens.

"I plan to." I smile.


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