𝟯𝟮 𝘈𝘨𝘢𝘪𝘯𝘴𝘵 𝘛𝘩𝘦 𝘙𝘶𝘭𝘦𝘴

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TW: Dirty talk, mentions of sex, and fears

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TW: Dirty talk, mentions of sex, and fears.

[Meet Me In The Middle - Jessie Ware]
1:40 ─〇───── 2:13
⇄ ◃◃ ⅠⅠ ▹▹ ↻

The second I heard that there was a carnival in town, I bought two tickets for me and Eden and we jumped in the car. She was completely down, and when we told Sam and Steve, they helped us out. Luckily, Tony was out on a date with Pepper on the same day as the carnival, so we didn't need to make an excuse. It still feels weird that we have to hide from everyone, but I've learned my lesson and I know what is worth fighting for in life. Steve and Sam told us they would tell us when Tony is back, and we could not get caught. Apparently, Pepper has been trying to loosen the nooses around our necks, even though she never had to. Steve said that she was accepting of our relationship and trying to help. Pepper is a godsend.

The carnival is already lit up, despite it not being that late in the afternoon. Tony and Pepper went to a restaurant, so we left at around 5:00 pm. As we enter the carnival, giving over our tickets, Eden and I marvel at the scenery. Bright neon lights shine in our eyes and we walk over to the first ride right by the front entrance. Eden was excited, but if I'm being honest, I'm scared. It's the Ferris wheel, and when someone gets to the top, it looks really high. Eden senses my nerves and grabs my hand, holding it tightly as we get closer to the front of the line. When we sit down on a cart, I don't let go of Eden's hand. She doesn't seem to mind, but I'm so focused on controlling my breathing that I don't reply to whatever Eden was asking me.

"Bucky?" She shakes my shoulder. "Bucky, are you okay?"

"Uh, huh? Yeah."

"What's going on?" She asks.

"It's nothing."

"Bucky, talk to me." She squeezes my hand.

"It's just, uh, I don't like heights."

"Honestly, I used to be scared of heights too. But, Steve helped me."

"How?" I ask.

"He told me of two different techniques." She smiles. "Do you trust me?"

"Of course."

"Take my hand, and close your eyes."

I do as she said, closing my eyes and feeling the wheel slowly beginning to move. It jolts into action and I feel my chest harden, my breathing coming out short. I squeeze Eden's hand tighter, not hearing any complaining from her. When the Ferris wheel suddenly stops, Eden starts rubbing my back. Her hand touches my cheek and she turns my face to look at her.

"Open your eyes now, Bucky." Her voice is sweet. "You can trust me."

I open my eyes and the first thing that I see are her eyes. They sparkle with the bright lights of the carnival, and I smile at the sight. Her hand strokes my cheek, and she smiles as her eyes scan the scenery behind me. Slowly, my eyes start to dart around me, looking at the big signs and huge lights around us. The view from up here is beautiful, you can see for miles, and if I'm being honest, every time Eden squeezes my hand, I feel less and less scared. Eventually, both of our faces are looking in front of us, watching everyone below us. Eden's hand doesn't move from my face, and I grab her wrist, making her look at me.

"What was the other technique?" I ask.

Instead of speaking, she places both of her hands on my face and pulls me in for a kiss. Our lips move in cinque perfectly, and I don't want it to stop until we have to come up for air. When we do, I smile at her, feeling any and all anxiety inside me sizzling out.

"You didn't test that technique out with Steve, did you?"

"Ew, no." She giggles.

The Ferris wheel comes to an end, and we walk off the ride, making our way over to another. The date goes on for a few hours, eating snacks from around the place, going on different types of rides, and playing some carnival games. I only won one of the games, but I was able to give Eden a huge teddy bear. Of course, the only game I won was the gun shooting one. She held the teddy for the last 10 minutes until we made it back to the car. I opened her door for her, did her seatbelt and places the huge teddy bear in the back seat of the car. I got into the driver's seat and drove the car out of the parking lot. Eden held my spare hand as we drove down the empty road. When her hand begins to travel up my thigh, I suck in a deep breath, not expecting that action from her as I'm driving.

"Honey, what are you doing?" I ask.

"No one's here, and we can pull over." She smirks.

"Doll, I can't."

"You've done it before, why not do it again?"

"What's gotten into you?" I laugh.

"You, hopefully."

"Jesus, plum," I mumble.

Against my better judgement, I pull over on the shoulder, and when the car stops, Eden jumps over the stick, sitting on my lap. She presses her body against mine, slamming her lips onto mine. I play with the end of her shirt, trying to keep my mind in a collective place. But, when Eden's hand touches my crotch, I groan into her mouth, instantly growing a tent in my pants. She begins to grind on my thigh, sweet moans spilling from her lips. But, when a recognisable siren blares from down the street, she jumps off me and scurries back into her seat. The red and blue lights speed towards us, and I shove the keys back into the ignition, starting the car back up again. Luckily, the police car drives past us, following a different car. We both sigh of relief, leaning forward and watching as the car stops someone for speeding. It was a close call, and I begin to drive us away from the shoulder so we don't get stopped as well. As we drive towards the compound, Eden places her hand on my thigh again, smirking up at me.

"Don't think we aren't continuing this when we get back."

"Yes, mam'" I smirk as well.


𝗙𝗼𝗿𝗯𝗶𝗱𝗱𝗲𝗻 ☽ 𝘉𝘶𝘤𝘬𝘺'𝘴 𝘗𝘖𝘝Where stories live. Discover now