𝟰𝟭 𝘈 𝘠𝘦𝘢𝘳 𝘞𝘪𝘵𝘩 𝘠𝘰𝘶 𝘉𝘦𝘴𝘪𝘥𝘦 𝘔𝘦

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AN: Ahh! I think this is my 3rd favourite chapter in this book

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AN: Ahh! I think this is my 3rd favourite chapter in this book. The first is the next chapter and the second is where they say they love each other.

[Say You Won't Let Go - James Arthur]
1:40 ─〇───── 2:13
⇄ ◃◃ ⅠⅠ ▹▹ ↻

This past year has been hectic. We've all been bombarded with many HYDRA missions, trying and succeeding to demolish the evil organisation. There has always been a small part of my brain that screams we haven't destroyed them, that they will come back from the ashes, and begin to take over the world. I try not to think about it too much, attempting to relish in the feeling of freedom. Eden has really helped me in my newfound freedom. Every time I'm with her, which has been pretty much every day except for overnight missions, I can't stop thinking about my proposal. Every time I think about a way to propose, it isn't good enough. Practically the entire compound knows about my plans to propose, but especially Steve, Sam, and Tony are trying to help me think of new ways to do it. They have some good ideas, but late one night, whilst I was lying in our shared bed, now that we have moved into my old bedroom, with Eden by my side, the idea came to me. I couldn't sleep the entire night and instead spent my time writing down my entire plans in a notepad.

Now, my legs are jumping up and down as I sit on my balcony, staring at the New York view at night. I'm waiting for Eden to come into our room after helping Tony practise his speech for the news. Citizens want to know about the abolishment of HYDRA, and being the designated leader of the group, he will be the one to do the speech. Eden has a way with words and has been helping Tony write the speech, plan his outfit, and aiding him in not swearing on national TV. Her footsteps can be heard from down the halls and she opens the door, seeing me through the glass sliding doors. She opens the door, closes it behind her and sits down beside me, sharing my blanket. I pull her closer to me, snuggling into her side and taking a deep breath. I try to get more comfortable, but with my small pockets full, it's very difficult.

"Are you okay?" She turns to look at me. "You seem nervous."

"Yeah, I'm okay."

"Then why can't you sit still?" She chuckles.

"It's just." I sigh. "Might as well do this now," I whisper to myself. "Eden, I love you. I never knew that I could love someone as much as I love you. Honestly, I didn't know if I had any room left in me to love. So much of me was stripped away, but you brought out the old me again. I never thought I would be able to be him again. You brought him back to me, to Steve, and to you. You loved me despite my flaws and baggage." I reach into my pocket. "For a while now, I've been trying to remember the exact moment I fell for you. Now, I know. We sat here, on this balcony almost 2 years ago and smoked cigarettes together, looking out of the balcony. You fell asleep on my shoulder and I saw how peaceful you look, comfortable enough to sleep next to me. I knew then that you were different. You didn't look at me with pity in your eyes or try and fix me, instead, you saw the parts of me that I was scared to show. You saw them, and you accepted them. You loved them just as much as I love you. I want to make you feel just like you make me feel, every day for the rest of your life. And, if you'll give me the chance, I will make every day my mission to make you feel special, loved, and taken care of." I pull out the black, velvet box. "Eden Stark, will you marry me?"

I open the box, revealing a small diamond ring. It's a silver band with a light blue, princess diamond. In the centre of the jewel sits a small gold star, twinkling under the moonlight. When I bought it, the only thought in my mind was the night I fell for her. Sitting with Eden on my balcony, under the stars. Her hand flies to cover her mouth, a small gasp spilling from her lips, and tears hang at the bottom of her eyes, daring to fall. She doesn't say anything for a few seconds, staring at the ring, until she looks up at me, takes her hand off her mouth and smiles at me.

"Yes," She gulps. "Oh my, god, yes."

I pull the ring out of the box, placing it on her finger with shaky hands. I was nervous, to begin with, but now, I'm overwhelmed with emotions. Relief, happiness, and excitement. She locks her hand in mine, showing off the ring and the tears finally fall down her face. She wipes them away, keeping her other hand locked in mine. I can't help but look at the ring on her finger, imagining the near future that we are destined to have. We haven't really talked about the future, and Tony said to me that she may not want the typical married life, but I can see myself having children with Eden, living in a small house, covered in vines and the woods. I can't wait for the day that I have a 9-to-5 job. I can imagine coming home after work, seeing Eden sitting in our living room, holding our newborn baby, and watching our other child running in from the garden. The child would run into my arms, jumping up and sitting on my hips as they tell me about their day. I would walk into the living room, kiss Eden, my wife, and then kiss the forehead of my little baby. I never thought I would be able to have children, but Eden makes the wait worth every second.

"I love you, Eden." I kiss her lips.

"I love you, too."


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