𝟯𝟲 𝘎𝘪𝘷𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘐𝘯

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TW: Slight symptoms of depression

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TW: Slight symptoms of depression.

[Afraid - The Neighbourhood]
1:40 ─〇───── 2:13
⇄ ◃◃ ⅠⅠ ▹▹ ↻

Today, it's like every other day, depressing, hard, and making both of us rethink our choices. Since the phone call from Tony, two days ago, Eden has been worse for where. She rarely talks to me anymore and when she does it's through choked sobs. I feel completely hopeless, there has to be something that I can do. But what can I do? We've both tried the silent treatment, and still currently trying it, but it keeps backfiring. Some of the team members have suggested that we come back to the compound and all talk as a team, but I think Tony will just think we're all ganging up on him, every option that I can think of is going to make things 100 times worse than they already are. I feel completely hopeless. All I want to do is help aid Eden in her time of struggle, but there's nothing I can do to help.

I've decided that we need some form of change, so, instead of stuffing our faces with unhealthy fast food, this morning, I ordered a banquet of fruit, eggs, toast, and bacon from the hotel room service. To say Eden wasn't pleased with the sudden change would be an understatement, but at this point, she's going along with everything I do and say as long as we are together. I think at this point, waking up is a chore in itself for her. I try and help as best I can, helping her in and out of the shower, brushing and styling her hair in the morning, being a shoulder to cry on whenever she needs it, and being a second mattress for her to sleep on at night. But the one thing she has yet to do is speak to me about how she truly feels. I can tell by one look on her face when she wakes up in the morning that she feels distraught, but I know there's deeper feelings above the surface level that I can see. I can't have her bottling things up. That was my main method, thinking it would not only heal me, but stop me from being a burden to others, but it only ended in me feeling weak. I would die before I let Eden think she is weak. Eden is the strongest, most affectionate, and caring person I've ever met. For her to think that she's ever weak, the world would have to end first.

The TV is on again, playing some reruns of an old crappy show that both me and Eden couldn't care less about. But it's a background noise that blocks out the silence that we both can't fill right now. It's not an awkward silence, but a sad one. It's the type of silence that you so desperately want to fill just to hear the other persons voice and know that they're still there with you. But at this point, everything feels impossible. Luckily, that silence is filled by the ringing of a phone. We both turn our heads, expecting it to be Steve, Sam, Nat, Wanda, or Clint, but we are both shoved back into that silence when we see 'Dad' on Eden's phone screen. The last time Eden picked up the phone call from him, it just pissed both Tony and Eden off more. Steve told us that after the phone call two days ago, Tony lashed out at the team and destroyed what was left of my bedroom at the compound. Steve, being a nice guy that he is, brought in help to tidy and redecorate my room, thinking I would be back there soon, and everything would be solved, but I wouldn't be so sure. At this point, Tony is more stubborn than Eden and me combined. Nevertheless, Eden hesitantly picks up the phone and place it down on the mattress in between our bodies. Before she presses the green button, she looks up at me for guidance. There is only so much I can give, as I don't have full confidence that this is going to go well. Either way, I build up as much as I can, reach over and grab her hand, and hold it in both of mine. She presses the green button, putting the call on speaker, and waits for Tony to speak first.

" Eden? Are you there?" Tony pleads. "Please, Eden. I need to know that you are listening."

"I'm here." Eden says, with a monotone voice.

"Eden, I know the last time we spoke, I was harsh. And the last time you were at the compound, I was even worse, but I can't be like this anymore. I can't do this anymore. It's taken some time, but I realise now that I need you here."

"What are you trying to say?" Eden looked up at me.

"I'm saying that I will try."

"You will try what?" Eden is starting to get agitated.

"I will try and be supportive." That sentence makes Eden and my mouths drop wide open. "I don't like it, and I probably never will, but if that's what it takes for you to come back to me, then I have to try."

"Why is it so hard for you to admit that? All you had to do was open your eyes and see how happy he makes me." Eden sighs.

"Because I refused to do that. I couldn't fathom the thought that he was your source of happiness. You know what he's done to me, to my family, and I couldn't have him hurting you too."

"I'm an adult, dad. You need to see that. You need to let me get hurt and learn from it." Eden rubs her face.

"I know you are an adult, Eden, but you are still my daughter. Still my little girl, and I would run to the ends of the Earth to protect you. Knowing that you are with him brought that instinct out of me."

"I don't need you to protect me from every little thing. I appreciate it, and I love you too, but I'm not fragile. I don't need you or anyone else to put me back together when I am down."

"I'm sorry." Tony breathes. "I know I went about this the wrong way, and I'm trying to make it better for you. I'm really trying here Eden."

"Are you trying for me for yourself?" Eden asks.


"Fine," Eden sighs. "How would you fix this?"

"I don't know if this is going to make it better or worse, but I have to try. Please, just come back to the compound and we can talk this out."

"No." Eden rolls her eyes. "Like I said before, this is me and Bucky. If we are going to talk this out, it's going to be all three of us."

"I know you did, but I just don't know if I can be in the same room as him right now."

"Then you aren't ready."

"I'm ready to talk to you, Eden. But I just can't talk to him yet. I can't forgive him for what he did." Tony whines.

" This is about me and him." Eden picks up the phone off the mattress. "If you can't talk to him, then I can't talk to you. Call me back when you are ready." Eden goes to hang up the phone.

"Wait!" Tony begs. "Okay, okay. If that's what it takes for you to come back to me, then I have to try. But I can't promise anything Eden."

"I know you can't, dad. But I need you to try."

"Okay, I'm willing to try for you."


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