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Obsidian's pov.

I was in the kitchen eating cereal since the chef was sick and the maids were following my step siblings like headless chickens.

"Obsidian!" someone yelled my name but I couldn't be bothered, as I've said, I'm eating.
"Why didn't you join the mission? Three of my men died and five were left hospitalized! You were supposed to be there!"

"It's too early for your bullshit" I said feeding myself another spoon before drinking all the milk and sighing at my now empty bowl

"Bullshit?!" he shouted then slapped my bowel across the room making shatter as it hit the wall

"What's going on?" my father asked choosing that moment to enter the kitchen

"Your pet destroyed my favorite bowl" I said making him sigh while Dominic grew angrier

"She was supposed to go on a mission" he started talking but I was already pissed off by my ruined bowl

"You seem to be forgetting that I am not one of your men, Dominic. I'm not an agent, I'm not an assassin, I'm not a hacker nor am I an executioner. I'm a woman who just so happens to be the daughter of a man that runs a mafia" I said while cleaning up the mess he made

"That doe..."

"I help my father where I see fit, no one orders me to and I think that's where you made your first mistake. You're second mistake was blankly ignoring my advice to not pursue this mission because of how easily it would have been accomplished. You're third mistake was calling me a bratty little girl, my ego was wounded, and I let you do as you pleased. I will continue to let you do as you please from here on out cause what could a bratty little girl know that a big strong man like yourself doesn't?" I said washing my hands then finally looking up at him

"You could have helped them dandelion, he may have done you wrong, but those men didn't" my father said making me sigh

"I guess I did take it to far and for that I'll apologize, to them not him" I said kissing my fathers cheek and walking out the house with my bodyguard hot on my heels
I need to get ride of him.

I let Mike, my bodyguard, drive me to the hospital were all the men were being treated. I let a sigh leave my lips as I entered the all to familiar hospital. It was well known what kind of people were treated at this hospital and even though it has had it's own fair share of protesters back in the day, it is still standing tall and shinning brightly.

"Gentlemen" I said entering their room

"Miss Grant" the few of them that could greeted back

"I'm glad to see you boys still breathing" I said to the five men

"What happened?"

"Dominic and I got into an argument a few minutes before the mission took place and I let my pettiness get in the way of my judgement. I knew something was off and instead of sharing my concerns, I let you men go in blind just to spite Dominic. I'm here to apologize to each and every one of you for that, I know nothing I say will bring back the men we've lost nor will my world heal your wounds, but I wanted you to know I'm truly sorry" I said then bowed making them nod in acknowledgement before leaving the room

"Where to now miss?" Mike asked

"Raven's house" I said making him nod and press her name on the gps. We drove in complete silence not because I preferred it, but it's probably because he heard some rumor about me and how he's scared to make any sudden movements.
"I'll see you in three hours"

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