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Giovanni's pov.

No, we didn't kiss and no, Miss Grant didn't inform us on how much of our conversation she heard but she didn't start acting weird toward us, with all things considered, and I appreciated that. She had been in the hospital wing for a full month and was over the moon when she was discharged.

We spent the following two month getting to know each other on a personal level and I can proudly say that this woman is the definition of 'I'm built different'.

Not even two days after being discharged was she nagging her father about going out on a mission and when he said no, she pranked him with a honey bomb. I don't know when she got the time but she perfectly executed the stickiest prank I've ever seen.

We discovered that she loves doing things for other people, she loves for cooking and she loves helping her father's men even though she won't admit it. We see the love and admiration in her eyes when all of Mr Grants men fight over who ate the last of the muffins she made.
It was Eddie btw.

It felt as through we had to climb mountains and move giants to get her to start calling us by our names, we even let her call us by our second names but she wouldn't give in. Well, that was until I told her I'd start calling her the nickname her father gave her.
I may, or may not, have had to sit in a corner after my statement.

Anyway, Obsidian is amazing, smart, charismatic, funny, beautiful, has an amazing laugh, and enjoys teasing Edward as much as I do. She's understanding, patient, dangerously deadly, she listens and makes you feel heard even in the most unserious times.

She's all of these great things but I know for a fact that her heart is still guarded and I don't blame her. She's been hurt before and even though protecting her heart is something we've both come to realise we'd be honoured to do, we are willingly waiting for the day she gives us permission.

I know I said she hasn't been acting weird toward us, but she was acting weird in general. At first I thought it was because she was uncomfortable by the speed at which everything between us is going, but after closer examination, I realised it was more than that.

She has become closed off in the last week, won't speak unless asked a direct question but even then she'd give short answers. I also noticed that Mr Grant has been going on solo missions this past week and not speaking to anyone, but yesterday was worse. Both he and his daughter snuck out then reappeared this morning covered in blood while everyone was having breakfast.

They said nothing as they walked passed us and into their different rooms. Once showered and changed, Miss Grant went to her father's office and began cleaning it. I mean removing books from the self's, dusting the light, deep cleaning the couch, the whole nine yards. We stood there and watched not knowing what to say or ask.

After she was done she left the office and got her car keys, we had to practically jump into the car before she took off. She drive to Miss Raven's house and sat in the car just staring for a few minutes. Eddie and I shared a look and before anything could be said, she stepped out of the car.

We followed her into Miss Raven's house and I watched her friend pace around with her phone attached to her ear as she yelled at someone in a language I honestly don't understand. Her eyes locked with Miss Grant's eyes and it only took a split second before she hung up the phone. We watched them watch each other for a few moments before Miss Raven made the first move, walking toward her friend and hugged her.

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