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Edward's pov.

Three weeks.
That's how long it's been since we last saw Obsidian. It's not like we don't know where she is, well, that's a lie, we know where she is just not her exact location.

Issac refuses to tell us where she is even after I threatened to poison his food. Yes, I've done it before, no I won't explain why but will say my father was involved. Speaking of which...

"How would I have known that they come in different flavors? You should have told me beforehand" my dad said staring at the pads he had bought mons at the supermarket

"I'm sorry" mons said before she fell over laughing making my dad, myself and my boyfriend stare at her in confusion

"They don't have different flavors, do they?" dad deadpanned but his wife was still laughing her heart out. My dad got whipped cream and began spraying it on her making her shriek then chased him around the house.

"Anyway, put the carrots in Travis"

"Otay" he said putting his deformed carrots, which he proudly cut up himself with a dull knife, into the stew I'm making.

"Mmh, do you know what rice looks like?" I asked making him shake his head no
"Alright, come wash the potatoes"

"He do nothing?" he asked referring to Vanni, who was currently sitting watching us

"He burns everything" I said then felt a popcorn hit my forehead making me smile

"Rude" Vanni said but went back to eating his snack

"Boyfrwend mean" Travis said before he squealed when Vanni lifted him and kissed him everywhere on his small face

"That's for being cute and this is for calling me mean" he said placing him back on the counter while I smiled like an idiot enjoying their bonding


"This" he said before tickling Travis. The little man laughed so hard I thought he'd pass out at some point while Vanni just smiled and continued his torture

"Papa!" Travis shouted making my father, who walked in when the torture started, walk up to them and 'save' Travis from his abuser making everyone breakout laugh as his saver began tickling him as well


"Oh my poor baby" mons said taking Travis from her husband.

"Let me out!" someone shouted making all of us turn to face the closet

"How long has he been in there?" my dad asked making me shrug

"Three hours and thirty-seven minutes" Vanni responded

"Then he had two more hours" I said making mons shake her head and grab a water bottle
"Let him suffer"

"He's gonna be your father-in-law if you decide to marry his daughter, you know that right?" mons asked making me shrug again. I watched her do as she pleased and handed Isaac a bottle of water before closing the door again, I didn't miss how hard he glared at me but I didn't care, I wanted my baby back.

The depressing news aside, Vanni and I started exploring each other's bodies, yes me too. I'm still slightly scared of penetration but I've let his hands drift as he has let mine do the same. I've discovered that I enjoy the feeling of randomly having my ass slapped by him and enjoy being lifted, I'll never admit the second thing though.

I also enjoy being held just as much as I enjoy holding him and even though I haven't mastered how to uh, suck him off, he is more than happy to let me practice on him whenever I want. Oh, he did lick or 'eat' me back there a few times and it feels weird but I kinda like it, I want to do that to him tonight but I don't know how to bring it up.

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