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Edward's pov.

Imagine this, we are having an amazing night, singing and being carefree in the kitchen, while waiting for our girl to come back home from her fathers house when someone starts loudly knocking on our front door. Confused and curious, we both grab our guns then slowly creep toward said door. I let Vanni open the door while I stood behind it and the sigh of disappointment that left his mouth had me withdrawing my gun from the door.

"Bloody hell" was all he said being shutting the door in whoever was outsides face. The loud knocking continued but he walked away from the door and I followed him wanting to know who was there before I let someone he clearly isn't happy to see inside our home.


"It's my dad and his wife" he said before I could even ask the question

"Your ex-wife?" I asked already knowing the answer as he sighed and sat down

"Think you could get your dad to get rid of their bodies?" he asked making my head tilt to the side but he looked serious

"I could do it" I said making him smile a little
"What do you think they want?"

"Money" he said before sighing as the knocking got louder
"I got a message from her a while back and put out the threat of consequences being discovered if they contacted me again but, I guess they don't care or didn't take me seriously"

"Why didn't you tell me?" I asked making him rub the back of his neck

"I didn't want to bother you or tell you about something I thought I had handle at that time but, clearly, I d-for fucks sake!" he shouted storming towards the door while pulling back the slide on his gun then I experienced my first 'oh shit' moment.

I wasn't fast enough to stop him from shooting immediately after he opened the door but, his father was fast enough to make them both duck.

"What the fuck is wrong with you!" his dad shouted while I took the gun out of Vanni's hand leading to him glaring at me but not say anything. I watched him turn to walk away while I attempted to close the door again cause I wasn't going to entertain people my lover clearly doesn't want around.

As I said, I attempted to close the door, cause the next thing I knew I was being pushed aside as they barged into our home. They followed Vanni's back to the kitchen while I kicked the door closed and ran to get there before them.
He might throw a knife in their direction.

"Who the fuck do you think you are?!" the ex-wife shouted with a face as red as the man she came with while something in my told me to pull them by their hair and throw them out our home
"I'll fucken take you to court do you fucken hear me!"

"Shut the fuck up!" Vanni shouted making her take a small step back while I stepped closer to him

"Don't you dare raise your voice at her!" his father shouted and I felt my eyes find his.

"No, it is you who will not raise your voice at him" I said still keeping eye contact

"And who are you, his bodyguard? This is a family matter" he said making me tilt my head

"Who I am shouldn't matter to you, all you need to know is that I'm the one with the gun and your currently trespassing, anything I do from this point on is self defence" I said taking a few steps towards him while he took one back
"He's already got a family and you aren't apart of it, leave"

"Matthew we came to talk to y-oh my god!" his ex-wife screamed as I pointed the gun at her head

"I looked up to you, tried to be you, loved you unconditionally dad" Vanni started saying while I tried to resist pulling the trigger until he got his message across
"I was proud of you, proud you were my dad, proud to be your son but you just had to sleep with her right? You got her, she got everything I've ever worked for, you both left me with nothing, what else do you think I could give you?"

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