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Obsidian's pov.

There was awkward cloud hanging around my father and I but neither one of us wants to address it. We've both been unconsciously walking on egg shells around one another and even though we act like nothing is wrong, we both know there is a talk we should be having about both our current relationships.

He has been acting awkward around me due to their age gape and the fact that Raven is a close friend of mine, plus, he's still married. I'm acting out of character because he had a close relationship with one of my boyfriends and is best friends with said boyfriend's dad.

It's been a few weeks since everything was thrown in the open and we both came to know about each others relationships but still hadn't actually talked about it nor have we discussed if we're okay with it. I just got off my shift at the hospital and was 'asked' to join them for a family dinner by Natasha. The usual awkwardness was there, me not talking, dad talking to his kids and Natasha trying to butt in every two seconds but we didn't look at nor speak to each other.

"Obsidian" I looked up from my plate when my names was called, it was Natasha
"You have nothing to add?"

"No" I replied and continued eating wishing I was cuddled up in my men's arms or better yet, at work.

"Well, I was planing a girls weekend getaway, you're coming right?" Natasha asked making me pause my fork halfway to my mouth and look at her, like really look at her.

She's aged more in the past couple of months which is normal yes, but the amount of wrinkles I don't see on her face isn't natural. She's had work done but somehow looks older than she did without all those surgeries. She looks tired, her hands are shaking a bit making me wonder if she's on something or if that comes with age.

Her smile is fake but there's nothing new there however what is new is the genuine emotion in her eyes as she waited for my response. I looked at my dad who was looking at her while she stole glances at him every few seconds and it hit me, well, a suspicion hit me.

"Is there something you need to ask me?" I asks and watched her eyes widen while I placed my fork down and stood up
"Excuse us"

"I'll be back" I heard her say before she followed me outside the house.

I know what she's gonna ask me and I don't know how to answer her. Should I lie or tell the truth? I know responding to her and even entertaining her is out of character for me with all things considered, but for some reason, I wanted to hear her out. I lead her further away from the house to an area with the least amount of cameras before stopping and taking out a cigarette.

"You know I despise your right?" I asked releasing the smoke as I exhaled
"You were and still are horrible to me. You treated me like the scum of the earth and betrayed your best friend all for her ex-husband's money. People like you don't deserve so much yet somehow always manage to receive just that"

"I'm s-"

"I wouldn't have bothered with you or entertained you if I hadn't found people that make me want to be better as a person and partner" I said then sighed and smiled at how much they have changed me
"I don't want an apology Natasha, just ask your question and let me leave"

"Is he cheating on me?" she asked as I inhaled my cancer sick and exhaled the toxic smoke

"Define cheating" I said making her chuckle dryly

"Stepping out of your marriage, turning your back on the person you love to seek what they could give you somewhere else, basically having another partner when you already have one that's cheating!" she said getting louder towards the end

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