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Edward's pov.

"It's ridiculous how stupid you are"

"Sometimes" I added

"What?" my step-mother asked and I not only did I lower my eyes but I lowered my tone as well

"It's ridiculous how stupid I am, sometimes" I said then had to duck the shoe she'd thrown at me from my kneeling position

"He doesn't learn" I heard my father say as my step brother shook his head

"Guess who just got 10 more minutes in time out" she said and I looked at her like she's insane before lowering my eyes again at her glare which made the traitors laugh.

My father divorced my mother, Chantelle, when I was seven and I had to spend years of living in two houses before I turned 18. I chose to never see Chantelle again after learning that she was the one who cheated on my dad a countless number of times. On my 14th birthday both my parents got shitfaced and slept together which resulted in my baby brother being born. He is 17 this year and next year will be the last year my dad has to pay child support, I'm glad it's his last year with them.

I may sound like an asshole for saying that but since my baby brother could speak, he has done nothing but tear my dad down. I don't know what bullshit Chantelle has been feeding him but he has been belittling and degrading my dad any chance he got which annoyed the shit off of me. He and I don't get along due to this, I've always avoided him and wouldn't visit if he was coming over but I usually just take my step brother for an outing.

When he turned 10, my dad met my stepmother Monica and married her after 2 years of dating. Monica was pregnant when they met and she was honest with my dad about it but he didn't care, neither did I. She's been more of a mother to me than my own mother was, I don't feel like a cash app with Monica, I feel like a son.

My mother obviously hates Monica but always behaves properly when we have company or my dad is around. Yes, my dad does know she's absolute shit but I told him I won't say or do anything cause he still wants to see if he can form a relationship with his son.

"Etwart?" my step brother asked sitting next to me on the floor
"You bad boy?"

"I am aren't I?" I asked and I couldn't help but chuckle

"Frwemd?" he asked making my smile drop

"Next time" I said making him stare at me for a few seconds before running away.

No, I haven't introduced Giovanni to my family and I don't know what the main reason as to why is. I guess apart of me is scared but I don't know exactly what it is that I'm scared of, then another part of me feels like our relationship isn't going to last. I mean we aren't friends, or atleast he'd never said we are and I don't want to pressure him into something he doesn't want, besides, he's way too good to be friends with the likes of me.

"Your time out ended an hour ago" I looked up and saw Monica smiling softy at me. She stretched out her hand to help me up but I shook my head

"We both know I'll pull you down with me" I said making her chuckle

"If I can handle your fathers attitude I'm pretty sure I can help my stupid son stand" she said but I snorted and took her outstretched hand
"What's got you think so hard?"

"Chantelle" I said not necessarily lying

"Don't think to much, you'll become dummer than you already are" she said then walked away like she didn't just indirectly insult me

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