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Obsidian's pov.

It been a hard couple of days and seeing my father in the state he was currently in was not easy. Having to suspect the people you love the most could not be easy on anyone but it is what is needed to be done in order to get answers.

Raven has tried, and was sometimes successful in calming him down but, the more questions than answers we discover, the more his rage rises to new found levels. I had to drag him out of that house to let everyone else breathe a little and am driving him toward a cliff in the wooden area near where my mother's cabin was.

"How'd you find out about this place?" he asked when I parked
"You were too young to remember"

"That's a stupid question" I said making him smile because we both know how I found out

"I know, but humour me" he said

"When I was 14, I was sitting in my room bored out of my mind, when I saw you driving off in your car alone. It was mom's birthday and instead of training with Dominic, I got into my car then followed you. You came here and sat in your car in this very spot for two hours before going into her cabin. It was then that I remembered what this place was, it was also the first time I cried since I got to that mansion because before then, I believed you stopped caring for her. I saw you in a different light after that day and began genuinely looking up to you" I said then turned to look at him with a soft smile

"I didn't even know you were following me" he said making me chuckle

"Well, I learned my skills from the best" I said making him smile before softly chuckling

"You know, your mother couldn't cook to save her life" he said making me snort

"I'm being serious, I genuinely thought she was trying to kill me sometimes but, whenever I'd looked at her face, I'd see her sincerity. She'd somehow cut every single one of her fingers, mix up salt and sugar, but my personal favourite was the day a she burnt boiled eggs" dad said before laughing at the memory making me laugh with him.

We talked about her and her mini adventures for what felt like eternity. We laughed, teased each other, then he told me that Raven and him talk about her, I did ask why and apparently Raven told him that she's not there to replace her, so dad shouldn't be afraid to embrace her. I smiled at that and appreciated Raven a little more than I did yesterday. We talked and bonded for hours as the day slowly began fading away.

"I think I'm ready" I said watching the sunset making my dad take an audible deep breath.

"My father was the biggest asshole on this earth and as much as he hated me, he hated your mother more. He didn't hate her because she was of a different race than us, he didn't hate her because of her background, he didn't even hate her because she hated what we did, he hated her because we loved her" dad started of as I watched him play with the wedding band he wears on his pointer finger.

"My mother, his wife, was forced to marry him because my father was obsessed with her. His father forced them to get married as soon as she turned 18 and she was beaten harshly whenever she'd refuse to do as she was instructed. I don't know if it was his heart or his guilt but, he never forced her to have sex with him, not until her 21st anyway and as it turns out, I was my mothers fourth child" dad said shocking me because I didn't know he had siblings but he only smiled at me sadly
"I was the only one they let live"


"They were killed for being born female, apparently my grandfather wouldn't allow the 'first born grandchild' to be any other gender but male. It's ridiculous and stupid, I know, but there not much my mother could do about it besides suffering in silence. As I said, she was his obsession, meaning he never really cared about me nor anything that involved me and I viewed that as an amazing thing because that meant I got all the love in the world from an amazing woman" he said with a big smile

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