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Edward's pov.

"Impossible" Obsidian said staring at Devon in disbelief
"We ran a back round check on you"

"No, Raven ran a back round check on me and since we were just sleeping together back then, she didn't bother running one on me before you suggested it" he said then cleared his throat
"I was somewhat still living with her at that time and when I saw that she was looking into me one night, I got her extremely drunk before permanently changing my details"

"That's why your detail were the same when my father looked you up" she said filling in the blanks I didn't know needed filling.

"It's was pretty easy keeping up my lie since Raven didn't care about me nor my whereabouts but playing dumb when we became close was hard and keeping up being the dumb 'friend' was harder when I saw your flaws" he said but Vanni and I were more focused on Obsidian right now. She was silently watching him while he smirked watching her, taunting her.

"You used her" I said finally understanding a bit of the reason why Vanni brought us here

"Of course" Devon said making Obsidian sigh and lean her head on the back of the chair

"You used my emotional blindness to get closer to me knowing I wouldn't realise you're trying to betray me because I was so desperate for any form of emotional contact, and I only had contact with Raven so was easy for you" she said before laughing a little
"That was an amazing strategy, great job"

"Thank you" Devon said making Obsidian nod and stand up resulting in Devon looking confused
"Where are you going?"

"I'm done here, I've got the answers I need" she said walking to the door

"That's the one the thing I've learned about you that I find extremely annoying, its you thinking that you know everything" Devon said stopping her in her tracks

"I don't need to s-"

"No, you're wrong Obsidian. You don't ask other people's opinions because you think your conclusion on any matter are absolute, you don't discuss your findings with other people because you don't believe they're as smart as you, you don't ask for help because you just have to do everything yourself. I know you believe everyone who isn't you is a waste of space and you know how I know that, it's because that's how you've made me feel throughout our entire friendship" Devon said making Obsidian turn to face him

"No, Devon, you're wrong. I didn't ask for other opinions because I believed everyone is competent enough to state their opinion when they feel they have to. I didn't discuss my finding with anyone because I grew up only trusting myself and myself alone meaning, until I had proof, I didn't anyone would believe me. I didn't ask for help because I believed no one would want to willingly help me and I've never thought of you as a waste of space, only as a friend that came second to Raven" she said before sighing


"Notice how I said didn't instead of don't, that's because I've changed. I saw the same flaws you saw in me and decided to change, slowly but change nonetheless. I stopped looking at everyone as my enemy and started seeing them as partners, family, my hom-"

"Don't. I don't need to hear about how you've grown or changed just when I was no longer in your life. I asked you what you wanted in a friend and you said someone smart and loyal, was I not smart enough for you, Obsidian, was I not loyal?" he asked then chuckled

"I asked you what you wanted in a partner and you said you didn't need one but hypothetically, you'd want someone who's honest, caring and kind. When have I lied to you? Did I not care for you and sacrifice enough for you? Was I not kind? Huh? Answer me damn it!" Devon yelled as his face changed colour. His anger and hatred for our girl was quite visible not only on his face, but also in his slightly quivering voice.

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