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Edward's pov.

Honestly when Issac said 'I need bodyguards for my daughter' I thought he was joking but after talking to Vanni about it, we decided to take the job. We enjoyed our last week of doing nothing before we came back here with Isaac.

When we first entered the mansion I expected to be introduced to the daughter we'd been hired for but instead, Isaac told us to unpack and get sorted because she wasn't home yet.

Our rooms were directly next to each other and that was comforting to me. I pouted, because Vanni tends to give in when I do that, in order to trick him into packing my clothes for me while I sat back and watched him softly complain about my laziness. I, obviously, can do it but I've come to enjoy watching his arms flex when he folds something and how round his ass becomes when he bends over.

Again, I'm not sure what I'm primarily attracted to but I do know that this man takes my breath away every time I see him smile. We spent around two hours talking, with me watching him work before we walked back downstairs. We saw an older woman along with a younger lady sitting in the living room talking and decided to introduce ourselves.

"It's ridiculous!" the younger lady shouted as we entered the room

"I'll call her husband and make sure she's put in her place" the older of the two said then stop talking to look at the person passing by
"Aren't you going to greet us?"

"My mother is speaking to you" the young lady said making us turn to look at who they were talking to just in time for them to turn and look at us. I couldn't help but stare at her for reasons I can not fathom and before I could get a better look at her, she broke eye contact

"Why are you dragging blood through the house?!" I'm guessing the older woman asked making the mysterious woman turn to look at the bloody foot prints before sighing and walking away
"I'm talking to you!"

"I swear she's narcissistic" the young lady said as I turned my attention back to them

"Oh my, who might you be!" the older of the two asked

"We're the new bodyguards" Vanni responded making them gasp

"Really, and who have you been assigned to?" the younger lady asked

"Miss Grant" I responded making the young lady smile

"That would be me" she said then giggled making me internally sigh

"Oh, sweetheart, let gets this mess sorted before dinner with your father" her mother, I'm assuming, said making Miss Grant nod and the two woman walked out the room

"So much for introducing ourselves" Vanni said making me sigh

"So much for a calm client, I think Issac lied to us" I said making him chuckle as we went back to his room

"Don't we have to sign a contract before starting this job?"

"We do but I'm doing this as more of a favour so I don't think we have to but you can, for your own physical and financial safety of course"

"You trust him that much huh?"

"Isaac and I have been through a lot together, thick as thieves my dad always said and fuck did he say that a lot. Even through our age gape is incredibly large and he is technically supposed to be my uncle, I became the little brother he wanted and he became the older brother I didn't know I needed" I replied making Vanni nod his head

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