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"Dr Lee! He's not breathing!"
Let him die!

"Get her out of here before I kill her"

"You can't fucken say that!" she yelled but was soon dragged out the room

"Thank you" the patient said softly making Obsidian raise an eyebrow


"She's my ex mother-in-law, I purposely ran into a truck to get out of an intervention highlighting all the reasons I should get back with her daughter" the patient said as Obsidian's hands found her hips

"You idiotically got into a car crash risking your life to get out of an intervention?" she asked bewildered by the patient's stupidity

"You don't know what they're like, what they've done, the extent of which she's willing to go to in order to get her way.."

"I don't fucking care" she said cutting him off
"You not only put yourself in danger but did the same to the innocent man in that truck and fuck knows who else. Do you know how expensive medical care is? Do you think the man you selfishly ran into can afford top tier surgery? How stupid can one person be?!"

"I didn't think t-"

"No you fucken didn't! You could have avoided all of this by just not attending the intervention and going somewhere else or better yet, moving somewhere else. You're a stupid man and I hope you know I'll be informing her of what you've done then I'll search for the driver and I'll personally make sure he sues the hell out of you" she said getting into the patients face while resisting the urge of throwing him out the opened widows

"You're my doctor" he said making Obsidian smirk before she chuckled and stepped back

"You do know what kind of people are treated here, right?" Obsidian asked but the confusion on her patients face had her throwing her head back laughing

"What?" the patient asked with genuine confusion

"Look around, very slowly of course, and tell me if you think any of these people are your normal law abiding citizens. When you get that answer, do remember that you just confessed to intentionally harming an innocent person" she said glaring at him as his eyes slowly left hers and met those of the other patients in the room

"They may be the scum of the earth, but even they have common sense and humanity" she said before walking her 9 month pregnant hospital gown wearing self out of there.
Had her doctor's coat on top of the gown, in case you're wondering.

"Doctor!" the patient yelled out before he groaned. She swore people had gotten ruder since she started getting bigger, or is she just emotional... I guess we'll never know.

"You do know that my office isn't our office right?" Dr Boston said as Obsidian laid down on his couch

"What do you mean? You love my company" I said making the old man sigh

"I swear you somehow got more annoying since you started speaking freely and what did I say about you working?" he asked but she only snorted. They said nothing else as he continued working at his desk but the silence of the room being filled by his pen hinting the paper as he wrote is the reason Obsidian eyes felt heavy and she unwilling let herself drift off.

"Sleep love" Vanni said as she opened my eyes. Obsidian groaned and laid her head more comfortably on the pillow before they opened again three seconds later

"Really?" she asked referring to the hospital bed she was currently on but her men ignored her making her sigh
"You're both being dramatic"

"And you're not being dramatic enough" Eddie said lightly glaring at her
"What if something happened to you both?"

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