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Obsidian's pov.

My trail week with bodyguards has finally ended and even though I enjoyed their company, I don't think I want them as bodyguards, they're too nosy.

"What are you gonna do now?"

"I don't know, I just hope they pick Kimberly" I said making Devon laugh

"We both know they're gonna pick you" he said making me roll my eyes

"Can a girl not dream?" I asked making him laugh more. We are currently at his apartment, eating lunch but I bet you're wondering why I'm never with him and Raven at the same time, it's simple, they hate each other.

Raven and Devon don't get along, to cut a long story extremely short, they were forced to date by their parents. Neither one of them wants to talk about their past together or who was the real cause behind their separation and I've never asked, but they are both okay with me hanging out with one without the other.

We went our separate ways after lunch, well, I left and don't particularly know if he left or stayed at his apartment. I drove to Raven's house then changed into my doctor attire before having her drive me to the hospital. I greeted all the nurses and doctors I saw as I made my way to my office because I'm supposed to play nice.

"Dr Lee, I've missed you so much" Samatha said before wrapping her arms around me making me tense up
"Oh, sorry"

"It's alright" I signed making her nod
"You seem excited, did something dramatic happen while I was away?"

"I'm slightly offended but yes, something did happen" she said smiling brightly making me smile behind my mask.

She went on to tell me how Dr Derrick's wife came here and made a scene because Dr Derrick got his sister-in-law pregnant. Apparently he almost got suspended because his wife wouldn't leave and some of our patients visitors had their guns drawn because she wouldn't shut up.

We did our rounds and I had my father's men discharge but had to leave it to Samantha because I saw Mr Wright and Mr Taylor were the ones picking them up. I don't think I've ever feared getting caught more than I did when I saw them walking in.

"Dr Lee, I didn't realise you were back"

"Yes, my plans ended early" I said plopping myself on one of his chairs and taking off my mask
"How are you doing Dr Boston?"

"Could be better, did you hear about Dr Derrick?"

"Samatha" was all I said making him chuckle

"Of course, anyway, his wife wants to sue" he said with a tired sigh

"What does her husband's unfaithfulness have to do with the hospital?" I asked sitting up straight

"She claims we all knew he was cheating and hid it from her" he said taking off his glasses

"That answer makes no sense and still doesn't answer my question" I said making him nod

"That's how my day has been, answering phone calls from a woman who doesn't make sense. I've even considered suing her for giving me a headache" he said making me shake my head with a sigh

"Firing him isn't an option?"

"It would be a loss for the hospital" he replied making me lay back on the chair

"Not a great loss"

"But a loss nonetheless" he said then we fell into silence, each trying to figure out the best way to approach this matter. I left after I got a text from Samatha informing me that the men were discharged and went out searching for her.

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