The beginning of Cally's adventure

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~Readers P.o.v~

On one particular day the Fairytale kingdom had been broke out in fear because the portal that lead to human world had been activated by some sources of power in the human world.

Cally was really curious about the portal so she called her Best friends and said "let's go through the portal and see where it leads to". Meanwhile Rachel said "i don't think this is a great idea...","Come on i just want a little adventure you know!?", Cally said with confidence.

Rachel rolls her eye and said"whatever im still not going".'hmm how to make her go with me' cally thought."Come ooonn Rachel just exploring a new world, didn't you want an adventure?" Cally whined," i mean i want to but i can't leave my family behind", Rachel replied.

"I don't think they would know that were gone" cally said

"What do you mean by-"

"Oh no, you won't use magic just to go an adventure to who knows where" Rachel replied

"Oh,yes i will use my magic just to go an adventure"Cally said while grinning.

"Fine, whatever i will go with you but you have to get your stuff at least,and don't forget to bring some gold In case they use the same currency as our"Rachel said

"Alrighty Captain!"Cally replied

~Time skip~

"Alright,do you have clothes?"


"Okay,you got some gold?"

"A bag of it !!"

"Okay!, Lets go..."

They both take a deep breath and went through the portal, as they went through Cally could hear that her father are calling for her before she could replied they got teleported to an ally.

"Oof,i feel dizzy"Cally said while trying to stand up and brushing the invisible dust

"Ugh,why do i agree to this..."Rachel whined

"Its because you are my bestie 😌"Cally replied

~Cally's P.o.v~

We both got up and dust our self .i use my magic to hide my pointy ear,Rachel's tale and horn

We both look around and amaze by the building and the transportation that human use to go somewhere,while they were walking,i was too distracted till she bumped into someone."HEY! watch where you going",it was a purple hair boy with Blue sapphire eye and besides him is a boy with ginger hair and a bit short."oh my, im so sorry i didn't pay attention"i apologies while bowing down.while Rachel just watch trying to not laugh at me, when i look up saw a beautiful sapphire Blue eye(A/N:she have a slight blush :^).the boy also look at my Baby blue eye and stared at me before he knows I shake my head and keep apologizing.

~Randy's p.o.v~

This girl is weirdly beautiful...wait what i was thinking."uh,its okay i guess,focus on the path next time"i said while smiling.

"Uhhh, are you okay are you hurt did i hurt you when i bumped into you"she said with worried voice."no,im fine anyway whats your name?" I asked

"Oh my name is Cally,Cally rose."

Pretty name....."im Randy, Randy Cunningham this is my Best Friend Howard Weinerman",i said Pointing towards Howard.sudently a girl beside Cally said,"im Rachel, Rachel Dark". weird name but also a bruce name. Suddenly Howard pulled me and started whispering to me,"Cunningham aren't we supposed to go to the game hole and not meeting new people"Howard said angrily."come on now buddy can't the game hole wait a little" i asked."NO!" Howard yell."you know what fine we'll go to the game hole but lets say goodbye bye first"i replied."Fine!".

[Hi they readers! I really hope you guys like this story,i will work hard to finish this book]

Cally's adventure in the Town of Norsvile (RandyXOc)Where stories live. Discover now