new power?

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~Cally's pov~

I woke up like usual and get ready for school,it was Monday welp this is gonna be a boring week.i walk instead of riding my mini motorcycle that i bought yesterday,then i saw Randy,he was walking alone and im also alone right now cause Rachel is out of town because she have something to do well she told the principal that her family member is sick but she was really want to go out of town.

I ran across to Randy as he saw me his eye widened in happiness, i walk with him to school then i ask,"where's Howard?"
"Oh he just a bit sick so he won't go to school for a week" he said
"where's Rachel?" He ask me "well her family member are sick so she went out of town to see them" i said.we walk until we saw the school as we went in i see that everyone still whispering about a couple days ago that i have a gun with me,i mean i do but I don't remember pulling it out at school,i walk in and go to my locker but then i saw a writing that says 'g×n freak!' dang they really need to find other word than this, this is just horrible bullying even a primary school student can do better.

As i open my locker i heard "haha gun freak is still coming to school" it was Theresa,dang the saddest bullying ever, she laughed at me meanwhile i was taking my science book and walk away but then someone grab me by my arm and it was Randy he said "don't worry about them they just jealous" i turn and look at him in the eye then i said "that was the saddest bullying ever,even a primary school can do better than them" "and why would i be upset,she no better than me" i continue as i walk away,but then he catch up with me as he said "you remember that i have the same Schedule as you right?" "Oh yeah i forgot" we laughed as we go to mrs.Driscoll class.

I can't believe he cares about me or he just don't want me to get stank but its the same thing, i blush as i thought that before i knew it he ask "uhh Cally why are your face is red?" "Oh- uh i uh- look were here and lets forget this!" I said in panic,he shrugs and went in with me,we sit at our seat and Mrs.D started the class.

The class is sooo boring but then a robot cat burst in and it look soo cut so i just followed it or the RoboCat is dragging me instead.then i heard "SMOKE BOMBS" it was the ninja he tried to defeat the RoboCat is too fast.

~time skip~

We arive at Mcfist industry,i got Cage up as they look at me closely."Vicory i don't think this is the siren and I WANT THE SIREN NOT THIS GIRL!" a guy with yellow hair and he have a brain? At his hand what the hell The other guy have a lab coat and brown curly hair,i think thats vicory and the other is Mcfist,"sir that is the siren" vicory said "well not yet..." He continue, before i could respond i saw the robotCat make a sound wave when the sound wave hit me my tale started to show it self and the look on Mcfist face is shock while vicory is smirking.

~Randy's pov~


hy do they what Cally for,i thought ass i went through the deadly vents after a couple minutes of searching i heard someone sang,i go further and saw Cally sh-....she is a mermaid?? What.

🎵Hear my voice beneath the sea🎵

🎵Sleeping now so peacefully🎵

🎵At the bottom of the sea
Sleep for all eternity🎵

🎵Sailors live so restlessly
Come with me, sleep peacefully🎵

🎵Listen to this siren's song
Worry not for nothing's wrong🎵

🎵Let my voice lead you this way🎵

🎵I will not lead you astray🎵

🎵Trust me as we reach the side
Jumping out where men have died🎵

🎵Hear my voice beneath the sea🎵

🎵Sleeping now so peacefully🎵

🎵At the bottom of the sea
Sleep for all eternity🎵

🎵Let the ocean fill your lungs
Struggle not, soon peace will come🎵

🎵Taking in your final breath
Sink down to the ocean's depths🎵

As soon thats over i saw that everyone is asleep accept ne and Cally,after that she free from the cage,she make a circle with her fingers then the tale is gone and she have her leg then i hear her said "i didn't know i could do that,welp im going home" she then making another circle with her finger then she shock right now what the juice was that she was a mermaid.

After that Crazy adventure,i went home after a long day i went to my bunk bed (ig) and lay down but the second i lay down nomicon start glowing,why can't i have a break im soo honking tired from that vent,i open the Nomicon and went in as i fell hardly on the floor as i stood up i saw the ninja near a Lake and a creature it look like a mermaid but this is a lake and not the ocean but then the ninja go to the creature and started talking to her like there were old friends but then a story apear it says.

Siren live in a world of magical and mysterious but some of them escaped and gone through a portal to another world with no magical creatures,its the human world a world with a normal human,but the portal is hidden in one place and that place is Norsvile, Norsvile is the source and only place in earth to have ancient magic.siren live long as a human live but when they met their true love they may live forever with their true love but siren are an evil creature they want to kill and eat some of the human they ere thrown out of their home because of their selfish reasons to world the magic world,they use their siren song to manipulate,knock out and killed their preys in the water.there's no a good siren accept one kayla she is in love with a prince and the Prince also feel the same but the Prince doesn't know that his lover is actually a siren until the princess were born,princess Cally Rose,she had a gills on her neck.

"What Cally is a princess?!" I said in shock

As soon as the Prince or The king notice this kayla have been vanished into a dungeon under water, princess Cally growing up with out knowing that she is a half siren.

The story ends there and i have so much questions before i could ask the nomicon trow me out,i wake up and see that Cally is in my room she said that she want to hang out with me but i was 'sleeping' so she waited for me,she really is really nuce and sweet before i knew it i could feel my face is warm.

"Randy why are your face red" Cally called out my blushing face "oh-uh...i was just uhh" i have no words what should i say should i mention it or..."so how did you escape Mcfist robot?" I ask out of nervousness "oh-uh i uh- the ninja save me hehe" she said fake laughing at the end but then she ask "wait how the cheese you know its Mcfist robot?" "Woah that was the cheesess line i said" she said making a pun,she never really like to use cheese, juice and honking shes not a fan of those word."i- i saw the mark at the robot saying it was Mcfist" i said completely lied to her.

"Oh ok then" she said we hang out all night until she went home and went to sleep.

[Whats up readers,so I don't have anything to say so hope you enjoyed this chapter and good bye :) ]

(1389 words)

Cally's adventure in the Town of Norsvile (RandyXOc)Where stories live. Discover now