The Prom chaos

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(so i decided to let Theresa hear their conversation a couple day ago,the prom proposal)

~Theresa's pov~

WHAT HE ASK HER INSTEAD OF ME THE AMAZING TWIRLING GIRL, whatever i have a plan and it would involving shopping....

Im at the mall and now i just have to find the same exact dress,blue contact lenses and find a white hair with a blue stripe and if you ask me why, of course im going to pretend to be her and steal her kiss and dance HAHAHAHA ,now where am i oh yeah the wig store.

×after shopping×

Okay now i just need to do some adjustments to the wig.

~With Cally / Cally's pov~

Oh my god the theme is Ocean i love ocean and i know what im gonna wear i already bought it a couple days ago and i saw Theresa see me with my dress when i check out,i hope she doesn't copy me. My dress is soo beautiful (here the dress look at the pictures)

Its simple and really cute too,i can't believe i have this dress with a discount. Welp i want to do my hair dow and braided on the side you know like this (the pic below)

Oooohh i can't wait any longer, well i have to thought but its okay i still have a lot to think right now like going home in next month because this month is December the first and i will go home in January the thirteenth,welp better get ready for school.

~skip a week course im lazy~


~Theresa's pov~

Hahaha i today is the day of the prom and now i just need to kidnapped Cally and store her somewhere because whe would ruin this for me.

~Reader's pov~

Theresa go to Cally's house and knock.Cally open the door to see her self just a different pose she really confused until the twin knock her out and the twin tied a rope around her waist to a tree and tied her hand so she can't escape.The win then go to the Prom and pretend to be her.

'Cally' are at the prom try to find Randy and sadly she found him as 'Cally' ran to Randy,Randy saw 'Cally' and smiled as he thinks about him and her being together but the second She with him,he could feel something was off about 'Cally' so he ask "you good Cal?"
"Oh im fine,i never been better Randy!" She said with a little nervous voice,"i don't think so your voice is a little off..." He said suspicious about 'Cally's' voice,"oh uh i just have a sore throat you know" nervously laugh,"whatever then,shall we start the dance" he said *squeal* and then *clear throat* "yeah we shall" she said with a little smile.

~Randy's pov~

Thats Pretty weird like the voice the attitude and the sequel what the juice is happening to Cally tonight?.We dance until the door burst open with CALLY?! who burst in and storm towards me and her TWIN?! Then she said in anger "YOU PIECES OF ________ YOU F#CKING KIDNAP ME AND TIED ME TO A TREE???!!!!!!" she yelled as the music stop and everyone look at us "oh....hi bestie....." The other Cally said with scared voice "OH BESTIE YOU WILL BE 6FT UNDER GROUND AFTER THIS" She yell "oh...come on now gurl its just a prank..." The other Cally spoke"OH A PRANK HUH THERESA,A F#CKING PRANK NAWW I LET YOU GO SOOOO EASY AND NOW LOOK WHAT YOU DID" she yelled as she pull a wig if other Cally heads but then a green smoke covered her but she unaffected by it,its just swirling around her instead of
her and now she look more scary with that stank around her...

~the Sorcere pov~

WHAT?! she is unaffected by it how????!!!!,she is human is she and the only thing that unaffected by my smoke is.....

The siren...

They are unaffected because they have a power to be to immune from spell and power source that was evil because they can control it instead,i thought the siren Royal can control other evil source,oh well i can't do anything now she incharge now im out. I ain't going to do anything its their problem now not mine.

~Randy's pov~

What I've been dancing with Theresa instead... As i back away from Theresa i can see that Cally is a bit calm just a tiny bit though she still mad.i look at Theresa with a shock expression then i turn to Cally and ran to her i tried to talk to her but she didn't hear what i say and i know something bad is about to happen.

I saw Cally's eye turn bright red as she glared at Theresa with Scared look on Her face and i know Cally would do something to her so i quickly go to the empty hallway and put on my mask i rand back to the Gym where the prom is held and i saw that Cally was about to walk to Theresa and Theresa just stood there scared and don't know what to do.

I quickly ran Infront of Cally,she then stop and take a glance of me but she just push me aside the walk to ward Theresa again,but then Nomicon glow and i have no choice but answer it as i go to a quiet place and open the nomicon as i shloop (yay i did it) in and saw a girl with red eye like Cally walk towards the ninja and she look mad like the ninja do something to her, behind the ninja is another girl and ahe look scared like Theresa but then The red eye girl go to the other girl like to killed her but then the ninja r
Just ran and changed into himself to a normal guy and go Infront of the red eye girl and the girl stop he eye began to change back to a normal eye colour as the girl eyes turn back she fainted. I really confused but then i started to pick up the meaning i must go to Cally with my real identity as Randy....

Then i shloop out and rand to Cally as randy,she stop and look at me,her eyes widen then her eyes turn normal and then she fainted just like in the Nomicon.
I catch her before she hit the floor and look at her.she looks beautiful but theres no time now i have to brought her to her house.

×at Cally's house×

I put her down gently on the couch and look at her then i saw that Rachel is worrying about her,she ask me what happened and then i tell her all the thing and she look shock but keep cool.

~Cally's pov~

I wake up rub my head because it hurt for some reason and all i remember is being tied to a tree and someone help me untied the rope after that im running to the school and after i bursts in i forgot everything that happened after that.

"CALLY are you okay??!!" Someone ask me and it sounds like Randy?

"Ugh what happened and why my head hurt so bad" i groaned still rubbing my head.

"You've gone code red again" someone say and i knew it was Rachel because only us knew what code red mean in Norsvile.

"Of f____ what the hell happened?" I ask again then they look at eachother then they just said there's nothing.I just shrugs it off and started sleeping but then someone shook me up and then i saw Randy is the one who ruining my nap i look at him and said im taking a nap not dieing he just nervous laughed and led me to my he closed thhe door i juts started sleeping.

[Oof that was pretty long welp the next chapter is the last one for this book]

(1364 words)

Cally's adventure in the Town of Norsvile (RandyXOc)Where stories live. Discover now