The secret go leak... :/

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~Cally's pov~

It was Howard,his eyes widening as he saw our 'unique' feature (you must think it was Randy didn't you or not)
"Uhhh i..i..can explain,please don't say anything to anyone"i Said to him as he come closer to us "what the juice is this!" He said,i explained some things (the first chapter) to him "you you guys are from another world and only want to explore Norsvile but then stuck here?!" He repeated the thing i tell him but simple "yeah,Cally not gonna be here for long, when it was January 13th the portal will open again which is Cally's birthday" Rachel said " what do you mean Cally not gonna be her any longer?" He ask "im going because i need to go back to my kingdom they need me so yeah"i said "but...Randy.." he stop him self "Randy what?" I ask "nevermind i let him finish it" he replied "pls don't tell him im going home or i have a magical power because he might be upset that im going home"i said with a sad tone, i really don't want him to know he might be more upset and maybe even don't want to let go i just hope he's doing great while im gone but for now i have a couple months to spend with him and not to mention that that that i might be there probably in years and i might came back when i was 17 or 18 and im just 14 i hope he still open when i came back for him
I admit it,im in love with Randy.

While Howard and Rachel gone to sleep im still at the river thinking what should i do i really love him but then i started to cry all those months we spent together.GET A HOLD OF YOU SELF CALLY you still have time and make memories with him and the other don't let anyone get in your way.

~Randy's pov~

I suddenly woke up i felt really weird so i went outside for some fresh air but then i started to walk in the forest until o heard a cry not gonna lie its really creeping me out but i think i know that voice? Suddenly that cry turn to a singing?.i slowly go near the singing voice but im still scared so i hid behind the tree.i saw a white hair girl with blue stripe hmm it look really familiar so i just climbed the tree and listening to the girl she was singing 'cant help falling in love with you' its was really beautiful but then i suddenly hear a crack i look at the tree brach that i was sitting suddenly.....

~Cally's pov~

I hear a crack at the tree behind me so i hide my ear and look but suddenly something...or someone fell from the tree they look unconscious so i ran to them to see it was RANDY?!! I quickly pick him up and let him rest on my lap then i sang then i saw a musical note coming out of my mouth and circling both of us but the Randy started to groan and waking up from the fall.

"Ugghh,what happened wait Cally what are you doing here?" he ask

"First,you fell from the tree and second i should be asking you why are YOU HERE?!" I ask

"Oh i just suddenly wake up and the i decided to get some fresh air but then it turns out i walk in the forest but then i say a girl cry but suddenly started to sang"he explained

"Also where's the girl that was crying here?"

"Oh she...she's uhh she" i started to stutter because he hear me crying.

"She's what?"he ask

"She just went to her home" i replied

"But why she's crying though?" He ask again

"You know what you asking too much now go to your cabin and rest you head because the impact of the fall really knocked you out there" i said in hurry,i helped him to his cabin and then i go to mine to take some rest i was lucky that it was dark and he didn't see my red eye from that crying,i went inside the cabin and went to my bed i saw that everyone have good night sleep i see well its time for me to get some sleep.


"Yo wake up you gonna miss the breakfast" Rachel said Suddenly i wake up really fast when i hear the word breakfast i remember that last night i didn't eat at all i was so hungry so i wake up and go get ready for the activities and BREAKFAST "you better wake up we have pizza for breakfast"
Rachel said casually,in seconds i already in my normal clothes
"Woah you really hungry aren't you?"Rachel said i just nodded because my voice are mess up because of the crying last night
"can't talk huh?" She ask i just nodded again we rush to the cafeteria and then start to line up.but then Howard barged in the cafeteria he said something about getting the pizza early but Randy look tired and i also could see an eye bag under his eye and i also forgot to mention that i also have an aye bag because i stayed late lash night Howard really want the Breakfast pizza huh well im still really tired despite i woke up really fast jut like when i was in a Royal Carage i was sleeping so my father decided to stop at a cafe and Oder something but then i suddenly woke up really energetic because i can feel that we were at a cafe, my father just laughed because i suddenly wake up when we stop at a cafe i guess i can sense food even though i was sleeping lol. Enough of story so im srill in the line mean while Randy just fina a table and slept there i look at him,he look like he enjoyed the slept huh welp i really want that too so "yo Rach can you plsssssssss help me get the pizza i really wanted to slep- i mean find a seat for us"i said nervously "yeah whatever i will help you no go to your 'tired boy' over there" she said smirking at me "okay- wait what do you call Randy is?" I ask "oh nothing" "whatever imma get going thanks for the help.

I walk up to Randy and sit Infront of him and slept there after a couple minutes someone shake me softly like trying to wake me up so i wake up and saw Rachel with my pizza but then I didn't feel like eating so i said "Rach you can take the pizza imma just go to sleep back" i said while going into my slumber again but then i wake up again in a strange room it was all white and you can even see a single corner or your own shadow suddenly a woman calling me " there?" "Uhh im here but who are you?" I ask "oh dear im you mother how could you forgot your own mother?" The woman said "!" I ask "yes dear its me its been so long since i saw you,you all grown up now"the woman said while touching my face "Mom?, I miss you so much where have you been because dad wouldn't tell me what happened to you!?" I said as i cry "its a long story my dear what about you i tell the story this night k?" My mom says "I don't want you go pls stay..." I beg "dear you friend need you right now so wake up" suddenly i wake up with tears in my aye and Randy, Rachel being concerns about me while Howard enjoying his breakfast.

"CALLY!?,what happened why are you crying!?" Randy ask

"Yeah,whats wrong?" Rachel ask

"No-...nothing i just dreaming about cutting onion" i lied and gave them a weak smile."okay then if you say so..." Randy said "wait you dream about cutting onion?!" Rachel ask "....oh yeah thats why im crying" i said "she look fine nothing to worry about Cunningham" Howard said while chewing his pizza.

[You could say that im really getting bored also 1406 word lets go! Hope you enjoyed this chapter] :)

Cally's adventure in the Town of Norsvile (RandyXOc)Where stories live. Discover now