TeraStank :p

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(Warning language maybe)
~Reader pov~

Cally wake up and get ready but then she just sit ther thinking what day it was but then'Of fxck,i almost forgot today i had school' she thought."Yo you woke up yet?" Rachel ask,"no im still sleeping, of course im awake you dump@ss!" Cally said with sarcasm."Damn Cranky much" she said as she rolled her eye "hurry up before were late" she said with chill voice.
They got to the motorcycle and started going to the school.it was exactly 7:30 because after the time they consider late."dang that was a long ride" Cally said "yeah but at least we got here before 7:31" Rachel said in relief.
They went to class,they had the same exact class with Randy, isn't weird how Cally got the same class as Randy lol XD.They went in the class which is Geography,Cally just stood there and this where should she sit,until someone waved at her and it was Randy so she ran to him and sat right next to him meanwhile Rachel sit behind her.

~Cally pov~

What is this i already learn this at my old high school,i guess there's nothing wrong if i nap a bit since i already learn this.i put my head on the table and just slept there.
Until someone wake me up from my nap,it was Randy i looked at him and whisper "what?" With a sleppy voice
"Everyone was staring at you..." He whisper back.i blinked a few time as i widened my eye as look up and saw everyone was staring at me even the teacher,wait is there something that i do did i cast a spell with out knowing or i unhide my ear, Rachel's tale and horn.
"Miss Anderson are you sleeping in my class?" The teacher ask me, no im doing homework of course im sleeping you saw me i thought but didn't say because it will get me a detention."since you think you are smart to sleep in my class why wont you answer my question,what is the most common use of a Mercaton Projection?" She ask me,its easy i already learn this "This projection is widely used for navigation charts, because any straight line on a Mercator projection map is a line of constant true bearing that enables a navigator to plot a straight-line course." I said proudly (Shhhhhh i copied it in Google don't judge pls)"you were right,good job Cally!"
I sighed in relief it was a simple question,but then people start looking at me again like i said something wrong when i clearly said the right answer.

"How did you do that Cally!?" Randy whisper to me "its an easy question i already learn this at my old school" i replied as i smile.

~Time skip~

I was walking with Randy to our next class until i saw Teresa standing there widened her eye like seeing her boyfriend is flirting with other girls she suddenly cry and ran,i don't know why though, i shouldn't be saying this but she's kinda annoying because she always clingy to Randy and always do the hair twerling thing like what the hell was that supposed to mean,your just ruining your own hair. After a while she came back as this ugly monster (dang Cally was really mean in her head)
I just stood there because how ugly it was,i turned to look at Randy but he's gone,dang that boy is fast but the i heard "smoke bombs" i turned to look oh it was the ninja,wait its THE NINJA?! i never thought he was real but suddenly This Teresa monster grab me and hold me in her hand,oof did she even wash her hand?,she then shake me like i was a maracas like bro calm down.
But then someone take me from her hand and it was the ninja!? I didn't react in time so i as soon as he put me down i just stand there like a statue after the ninja defeat that Teresa and he came to me and said "are you okay girl i never meet before?" "Oh im fine but how did she did that?!" I ask "oh i just called it a stank like every time people felling mad,sad or disappointed it will turned them to a monster well Teresa is kinda the one who always got stank" he explained "oh so TeraStank!" I said "what?" "TeraStank! Because she keep being stank!" I explained to him, he shrugged and smoke bombs away the smoke smell bad,really bad like a fart?...

[Yo whats up readers, enjoyed this chapter?]

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