the date?

8 0 0

[A/n:imma just skip to 8:30 pm k? im lazy lol Also i put the music because that's where i got the idea to write this]

~Cally pov~


"Yo Rach imma go out for a bit and i might be coming home late so yeah also what should i wear? White with blue or black with red?" I ask Rachel "Hmm black with red because it reminds me of my home" She replied.'whatever im gonna just wear the black with red'

*Doorbell*(let be me :])

"Oh,thats my sign, see you later Rach!" I said "see ya!"
I open the door to find Randy stand there with a black with red tuxedo and it matches with my dress,and he also brought some... flowers!?,'thats so cute' i thought as i blush"sorry i maybe look a bit messy",he look at me and whisper underneath his breath and said "you look perfect"handed me the flowers as he said "Here's a beautiful flower for a beautiful lady"i blushed harder as i took the flower and walk beside him,as we walking to the park, our hand brush together as we flinched.
We arrived at the park as we walking it suddenly raining we look at each other and...."lucky i have umbrella haha" i said not sure what the reply is "don't worry i also have an umbrella" Randy said,we both look at each other and laugh wet then we look at each other eyes as i put my umbrella down,he did too and we're started dancing in the dark.I never really good at dancing but at least i tried,he look at me with nervous look and a bit if blush while i tried to hide mine,"i never really dance..."he said "me too but you did great!"i replied as he blushed away.

We spent 30 minutes dancing after that we going to the Game hole and play some games and probably eat some gravy fries,i never really know the route here so i just followed we played game he suddenly ask me "wait do you know the route around the town?" "Oh,i only know how to go to school from my house but never really explore the town but Rach did im just saying where i want to go then she take me to it" i replied scratching behind my neck with a nervous look, I don't know why im nervous."ooh, you want a tour later?" He ask "sure,i already told Rachel that im gonna be home late"i replied "nice lets go then!" He said with excitement in his voice.

We walk,run and sometimes jump I don't know why we jump but we do also its kinda fun sometimes he even do a little pun, something i giggle or even laugh at that pun i really think i have a broken humour (lol)but its fun walking around the the town with him it's like a dream that i never knew that I want, ok now this is cheesy but i love hiw he laughed and that goffy smile of his its really dreamy even though its a weird kind of dreamy, at this point i don't know what i even thinking here but tomorrow we had school i shouldn't be here at school night but who cares because I don't "hey Cally...?" Someone suddenly called me "yeah"i replied as i look, it was Randy,i mean who else "what do you think about the ninja?" He ask "i didn't meet the ninja yet but im sure i will tomorrow","sure you will tomorrow" Randy said with a grin.

[Hey y'all so I've been planning the end and it would have a sequel hope you guys enjoyed this chapter]

Cally's adventure in the Town of Norsvile (RandyXOc)Where stories live. Discover now