!M! 💖|Meet the Parents| Ashido Mina |🖐️

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Requested by: Herosperger [If adjustments need to be made, please let me know and I will take care of them as soon as possible.]

Note: Reader has ESP quirk, mostly based in telekinesis, as well as some elemental and psychic energy manipulation. Most the details of this and how it is used I pulled from an article describing how similar powers would work, so if it is different than how it was meant, please let me know and I'll make adjustments. 

TW/CW: There are mentions of a screaming child, but only briefly [I'm not sure that counts, though.]


The school bell shrilled loudly to dismiss the final classes of the day. You gathered your things quietly as your classmates filed out, many loudly discussing their plans for the weekend that lay ahead. Aizawa ignored the students as they left, choosing to organize some of his paperwork for next week instead. As you slid the last folder into your bag, your girlfriend's pink hands descended upon your desk, waiting for you. She snatched up the pencil you'd been floating around most of class and stuck it into your bag. 

"You seem nervous," she said, tilting her head to the side slightly. Her eyes searched yours for a moment, that world-shattering smile of hers never faltering. 

"No, just a little tired. Are you nervous?" you asked quietly, swinging your bag onto your back and taking her hand. 

"Me? Nervous? Never!" She giggled for a moment and you knew she was just trying to mask it. You were both at the door now, and Aizawa was following close behind. 

"You guys stay out of trouble, have a nice weekend," he grumbled in his reluctantly-parental way. You nodded once, giving him a small smile of confirmation before you went your separate ways. 

Mina's hand was warm in yours, squeezing lightly to keep a hold on you as the sea of fellow students moved around you. You squeezed back, focusing on the girl in front of you rather than the huge crowd all around you. Once you were both outside, you took a deep breath of fresh air and Mina turned to face you, grinning once again. A light breeze played with her curls, the light pink hair gently bouncing in the breeze. 

"So, are we walking or taking the train? We still need to go by the dorms and change, but that shouldn't take long... Didn't you say we were supposed to be at your parents by 7? Yeah, yeah you did I remember now." 

You listened as your girlfriend continued to ramble on the way to the dorms. She moved her hands about and asked questions before answering them herself. You could barely get a word in, which was fine with you. It was nice to have someone else to fill the silence. This continued the entire way to the dorms, only stopping when you had to part ways to go to your separate dorms. It didn't take you long to settle on a nice pair of jeans and a plain black tee, paired with your usual jacket. You slipped on some sneakers before heading to the commons to see if Mina was done yet. She wasn't there when you peeked into the area, seeing only Tsu and Ururaka muttering about something together. It didn't take much to figure out that they were discussing the "class ghost". In all reality, it was just you and Hagakure working separately to mess with them. You may not speak to many classmates, but playing a few pranks was a different story.

Sighing softly, you turned back and headed towards the opposite dorms, choosing not to play another small prank at the moment. You stopped at the edge of the hall that Mina's dorm was on, electing to wait for her there. Within minutes, your phone was buzzing with a message saying that she'd be out momentarily. While you waited, another message came through. This time, it was your mother asking when you guys would be arriving at the house. You told her about another hour or so, and left it at that. 

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