!F!☁️/💖| Pressure | Tetsutetsu Tetsutetsu |🖐️

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Requested by AJ_Grimm . Stressed reader. Please let me know if there's anything you'd like edited or fine-tuned :). 

CW/TW: some cursing, mentions of stress. 


Your bag dropped heavily to the floor and you let out a sigh. It was a relief to not be carrying all of your school stuff anymore. You hadn't been quite sure which was heavier, the actual textbooks and homework, or the stress that accompanied them. It was another relief to be here, in your boyfriend's apartment, rather than at home. While you loved your family, they could still be huge pains in the ass, especially in the case of your younger siblings. This weekend would be a very welcome escape from them and your responsibilities. Right now, all you wanted to do was curl up on the couch next to Tetsutetsu and let everything else become more of a Tomorrow Problem. 

"Babe? Is that you?" Tetsutetsu called from further in the apartment; your guess was that he was in the living room area. You were about to respond when he appeared before you, a sharp-toothed grin stretching ear to ear. "You made it!" he said brightly, rushing forward to envelope you in a bear hug.  After a minute, he held you out at arms' length, still smiling like crazy. "Was the train ok? And the walk here? I know there's a ton of stupid people around here... Ah, doesn't matter. I'm so excited, we finally get to have a whole weekend together!" He had let go and was shaking his forearms up and down excitedly. 

You could only smile in response, his bright attitude and happy demeanor a huge shift from recent environments you'd found yourself in. You tried to breathe for a moment, relax. Your mind and body, however, had other plans, as the tension and stress headache didn't seem to ease up much. 

"Well, come on! The movie isn't going to watch itself. That'd be kind of weird, honestly," Tetsutetsu stated, grabbing you by the hand and leading you to the couch. You couldn't help but notice that he had already changed out of his uniform and was wearing the Iron-Man shirt you'd bought him a few months prior, along with Fourth-Kind-themed pajama pants. 

Once you were both seated, you tried to focus on the movie but your mind kept wandering back to the numerous assignments you still had to work on, as well as some of the things that had been happening at home. It wasn't purposeful, those things just seemed to constantly sit at the back of your mind, slowly poisoning anything else you tried to do. This had been the case for weeks, and at this point you didn't believe it would end anytime soon. Another headache began, further worsening your situation. You found yourself stuck between wanting to get everything done and get all the stress done and over with, and wanting to just relax for a minute, let the stress fade away long enough to catch your breath and give your tired mind a break. 

Relaxing isn't going to fix my grades, help with work and chores. Relaxation doesn't pay the bills, either, and it doesn't fix any of mine or Mom's issues. And it certainly isn't going to help things with the kid. And if I don't get all that homework done, them I'm going to fail my classes. Hell, I might even get sent to a different school... 

"Y/N? Are you okay?" Tetsu was waving a hand in front of your face, his expression full of concern. 

"Hm? Yeah, yeah I'm fine..." you shook your head dismissively and looked down at your lap, picking at your nails. 

"I don't think you are... You've seemed stressed for a while now. Maybe I'm crazy, but I don't believe I am. You wanna talk about it?" 

Damn him and his observative self. 

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