💛Your Wisdom Teeth are Removed💛

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After your parents had dropped you off at your dorm, you tried your best to relax with a swollen, sore face. It wasn't long before a knock sounded at the door, though, and you opened it to find Hanta Sero smiling brightly on the other side, a basket of goodies and ice-packs in his arms. 

You opened the door and tried to speak around the mountain of cotton in your mouth, to no avail. Sero didn't care, though. He simply smiled wider, his eyes squinting up as he did so.

"There's my puffed-up Y/N!" Sero said with a laugh, pecking your cheek as he entered your room. "How are you holding up?" His expression turned more serious, and despite his smile, his concern was all-too obvious. 

You attempted to reply, but the cotton in your mouth made it come out as a series of unintelligible mumbles.

Sero chuckled and patted your head. "Don't worry, babe. I'm here to take care of you. The doc said you gotta take it easy, eat soft stuff, and rest, right?"

You nodded, wincing slightly at the pain.

Sero set up a little recovery station on your bedside table, laying out a variety of soft foods, a stack of your favorite DVDs, and a fluffy blanket. He even brought along a small whiteboard and marker for you to communicate more easily. You almost wondered if it was his whiteboard that he kept to keep track of assignments and things.

Throughout the day, Sero kept you entertained. He popped in your favorite movies and did his best to understand your slurred speech, often guessing wrong and eliciting giggles from you. There were quite a few times you weren't even sure how he had misheard you so incorrectly, like when he thought you'd said something about a cowboy riding a hurricane. You had laughed so hard about that, some of the cotton had fallen out of your mouth. 

But there were also more tender moments. Sero was incredibly attentive, gently wiping away drool, and placing the ice pack on your cheek when needed. "Is this alright?" he'd ask, making sure he was being as gentle as possible with you. He'd sit beside you, rubbing your back or running his fingers through your hair, making sure you felt comfortable. He even tugged the fluffy blanket around your shoulder to keep you warm. 

As evening approached, Sero prepared a delicious, blended dinner, ensuring it was both soft and savory. He would make constant trips into your room from the kitchen, asking if the consistency was ok. Even when you said yes, he still kept going back to make sure it would be ok for you to eat. You both sat on your bed, Sero's arm wrapped around you, as you enjoyed the meal he had prepared. You couldn't help but suspect that Bakugo had had a hand in the creation of the meal you were consuming. Sero was a great guy, and you loved him, but he wasn't always the best cook. 

Between bites, you managed to say, "Thanks for taking care of me, Sero."

Sero flashed you a warm, lopsided grin. "No problem, babe. You'd do the same for me, right?"

You nodded, and he leaned in to give you a soft, careful kiss, mindful not to cause you any pain. His lips were warm against yours, and when he pulled away enough to look you in the eyes, you could feel his breath fanning against your face. 

"Was that ok? I didn't hurt you, did I?" 

You shook your head and gave him a small, reassuring smile, grabbing his hand in yours. He only smiled wider, raising your hand to his to give it a more firm kiss. You blushed at this as he kept his ever-intense eyes locked on yours. 

As the night continued, Sero stayed by your side, making sure your pain was manageable and your recovery was as comfortable as possible. He made sure you took your meds, helped you rinse out your mouth when needed, and gave you fresh cotton balls when needed. Once your meds started to make you drowzy, he piled pillows around you and pulled the covers up to your chin, adding the fluffy blanket. He said it was to "make you all warm and cozy, like an adorable lil' burrito." He made sure you were 100000% ok before he laid down beside you, throwing an arm around your midsection and snuggling in close. His head rested on your shoulder, and he was careful to avoid touching your jaw. 

His body was warm against yours, and you were all snug and comfy in your little fortress of pillows and blankets. It didn't take long for sleep to claim you, and not too long after it did, Sero, too, was snoring away. 

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