!N! 💖 | Home to You | Eijiro Kirishima

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A/N: None

TW/CW: None


You watch through the window of the plane as it slowly descends into Musutafu city, relief flooding your chest as the wheels touch the ground and you finally land in the city you call home. After six months of being overseas for a hero internship, you are more than happy to be back home again, especially since it's been so long since you've seen your boyfriend of three years. 

 You gather your things from the baggage claim before leaving the terminal, eyes scanning the swirling crowds that shift and move about the airport. Some small part of you starts to worry that he may have forgotten that you came home today, or that he was stuck in traffic. But then you see that flash of bright crimson, those vibrant spikes of red hair weaving through the crowd. That sense of belonging, of joy and affection, swells in your chest and you smile brightly, calling out to him above the ruckus of the sea of people around you both. His head snaps towards your direction and those red eyes of his light up so beautifully, that sharp-toothed smile flashing brightly. Your heart melts at the sight, at that smile that's always lit up your whole world, that smile you've waited six months to see in person again. 

And suddenly, you find yourself enveloped in those strong arms, surrounded by that all-too familiar scent, that warmth you could only ever describe as home.  You drop your bags and wrap your arms around him, holding him as close and tight as you can manage.

"Oh, Ei..." you murmur softly, burying your face in his neck as joy threatens to overwhelm you. 

His grasp on you tightens, his shoulders tensing slightly as he inhales shakily. It's been so, so long since he's been able to hold you in his arms, so long since he's heard you say his nickname so softly, so sweetly. After a long while, Kirishima holds you at arms' length, beaming that sharp-toothed smile, red eyes shining so brightly.

"Y/N....Babe, it's so damn good to see you." His voice has that slight waver to it, that hint of emotion so overwhelming that he has to fight back tears of pure joy.

"It's good to see you, too, Eijiro... I missed you so much," you murmur, smiling up at him. The light from the sun outside dances in his hair, making the crimson look all that much more vibrant and beautiful, his eyes shining as he gazes down at you. 

He just grins wider before inclining his head to brush a soft kiss to your forehead, his hands sliding to rest on your hips. "How was your trip?"

You wave him off slightly, shaking your head. Your body aches from the long trip and you're honestly tired, longing for the comfort of your dorm. "It was great, I'll give you the details on the way, I just... I want to go home and be with you."

He smiles and nods, leaning down to grab your bags before standing back up, quirking a brow in amusement. "Sounds like we're on the same page, then. I hope you're ready for a lot of snuggles," he says with a grin, tone trailing into a light chuckle as he places a hand on the small of your back.

 He guides you out of the airport, rambling as he catches you up on everything that you've missed while you were away.  You don't pay too much attention, though, too focused on how warm his hand feels against you and how happy it makes you to simply be here again. It's been so long since you were able to be this close to him, so long since you felt those warm hands and got to hear that soft, rumbling laugh. 

The taxi ride home is a short one, and you spend the majority of it leaning against Kirishima's shoulder, eyes closed from exhaustion and contentment as you simply bask in his presence. He keeps his arm around you the entire time, only pulling away once the taxi pulls up outside of the apartment building. 

You don't even have time to really think before he's out of the cab and running around the back side of the car to open your door, grinning ear to ear. He helps you out, mumbling a soft, "my love," as he gestures you forward. He pays the taxi driver and leaves a decent tip before grabbing his bags and heading towards the apartment building, one arm around your waist. It remains this way through the entire elevator ride to the seventh floor, with Kirishima resting his head atop yours. When you reach the door to your apartment, you beat him to the chase and open it, earning a playful pout on his end before he chuckles and steps inside, setting his bags down by the door before kicking off his shoes. 

It's so comforting to see him standing in your shared apartment again, and you wouldn't admit it out loud, but you missed seeing those red crocs of his sitting next to your sneakers. He has his back turned to you, stretching after such a long trip. You smirk at this moment of vulnerability, taking your chance to tackle him in a hug, jumping on his back from behind and wrapping your arms around his neck while your legs encircle his waist.

"Y/N! I'm gonna fall!" He cries out, laughing as he stumbles before regaining his balance, hands automatically grabbing your legs to keep you in place as he heads towards the couch. 

You're laughing the whole time, simply savoring the feeling of him in your arms again after so long apart. He's loving it, too, the feeling of your arms around him and your chest pressed against his broad back. He used to give you piggyback rides all the time, he'd just forgotten how much he'd missed doing so until now. Still, though, he'd much rather be cuddling with you. He sighs dramatically, faking another fall as he turns and slides you off of his back and onto the couch. You plop down with an audible gasp before laughing even more, just so happy that he's home. 

Kirishima pauses to take it in, to hear your laughter and see that smile on your face, his own widening to match it. Oh, how he'd missed you. Within seconds, he's on the couch with you in his arms, laying on your chest with is face buried in your neck, placing gentle kisses along every bit of skin he can reach. You can't help but giggle and smile, too overwhelmed with joy to hold back your laughter.

"I missed you so much," Kirishima murmurs gently, nuzzling against your head as he tightens his hold on you. You can feel his heart beating against your chest, the scent of his cologne flooding your nostrils.

"I missed you, too, Ei... so, so damn much," you reply softly, pressing a kiss to the side of his head. You're quiet for a long moment, a soft, tentative admission lingering on your tongue before it slips out in a whisper. "I was so worried you wouldn't make it home."

Kirishima's arms shift to hold you more securely, more possessive and loving in every way. "Oh, love... I promised I'd always make it home to you. Always. And I meant that." He presses a kiss to your cheek, bringing one hand up to gently cusp your face. "No matter what it takes, I'm always, always gonna come home to you, Y/N. I love you too damn much to let anything stop me from that." 

You flash a smile, grateful for his reassurance before nuzzling against his hand. You've been deprived of his touch for so long, missed those gentle hands and soft words. And now he's home, with you, and you're going to savor every single moment you have with him. 

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